How to Set Up Different Screen Savers on Dual Monitors
- Introduction
- How to Span the Screen Saver Across Dual Monitors
- How to Set the Individual Screen Saver to Each Monitor on Dual Monitor Setup
- Conclusion
You cannot set different screen savers for dual monitor with the standard tools of Windows 7. For example, 3D text is displayed only on the primary monitor, while Mystify and Bubbles is spans all monitors. However, you can solve these problems easily with the Actual Multiple Monitors software.
2. How to Span the Screen Saver Across Dual Monitors
To set a single extending desktop screensaver, do the following. Open the Actual Multiple Monitors' configuration window, and select the “Screen Saver” tab under “Multiple Monitors”. Then, check the box near the “Single screen saver over entire desktop” point. Set the desired screen saver and save settings. Also, you can set the time interval for delaying the activation of screen saver mode.
Note: this feature is available in the free version of Actual Multiple Monitors.
3. How to Set the Individual Screen Saver to Each Monitor on Dual Monitor Setup
To set an individual screen saver for each monitor check the box “Individual screen saver on each monitor” in the same Actual Multiple Monitors' configuration window. Select the primary monitor and set the desired screen saver. Then do the same for the secondary one.
4. Conclusion
In addition to screen saver management, Actual Multiple Monitors has many features improving the multi-monitor environment for work and home use. You can try all of them by getting advantage of the free 30-day trial period.
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