Dual Monitors for Lawyers: Attorney’s Assistant and Actual Multiple Monitors
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1. Introduction
There are many different free and commercial software for lawyers. It may be a dictionary, a set of model documents, bases of customers or laws, various types of organizers, etc. One of the most popular free software products is Attorney’s Assistant. Consider how the Actual Multiple Monitors can facilitate the lawyers' work with dual monitors.
2. Actual Multiple Monitor and lawyers software
First option of work with dual monitors is the using of the primary monitor for major programs, such as Attorney’s Assistant, Law dictionary, etc. and the second monitor for other applications, such as a Calculator, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Word and etc.
Thus, the usable desktop area is expanding and all necessary applications does not interfere into the work with the main program. In this case with Actual Multiple Monitors help, the secondary monitor becomes a part of the fully-functional extended desktop. This monitor contains the own taskbar with the Start button, Show Desktop button, System tray, Toolbars, and a clock. You can also Pin any items to this taskbar. In addition, the Actual Multiple Monitors taskbar supports all Windows 7 features, such as Aero Peak, Aero Shake, Jump Lists and much more. No need to return back to the Primary monitor constantly to perform standard Windows operations.
The second option of work with dual monitors is the using of the primary monitor to self-work, and the secondary monitor for displaying required information to the client. Thus, the primary monitor is turned to you, and the secondary one is turned to the client. Appropriately, the client can see only the information that you want to show him. Realize of this solution may be a very difficult if using only standard tools of Windows 7, because the standard Windows mirroring feature duplicates entire primary monitor. Desktop Mirroring feature helps you to solve this problem. It allows you to create a mirror of required window, program, or area in the special window and place it on the secondary monitor. Thus, the client doesn't see confidential information from the primary monitor.
3. Conclusion
In this article we consider only two possible combinations of dual monitors and Actual Multiple Monitors in the lawyer' work. There are many different combinations of work Actual Multiple Monitors with dual monitors and this is only in your hands. Description of all features of the Actual Multiple Monitors software can be founded in the Features Section.
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