Size icon Size Property Sheet

Available in: Actual Window Manager, Actual Window Guard.

The Size property sheet helps you to control in which ways the target window can be resized.

Size Property Sheet

At startup to check box - mark it to resize the target window as defined at its startup.

Fix minimal size to check box - mark it to keep the target window not to be smaller than the defined size.

Fix maximal size to check box - mark it to keep the target window not to be larger than the defined size.

Via title button check box - mark it to add the Resize title button to target window's title bar. If you left-click this button the target window will be resized as defined; right-click displays button's context menu.

Via window menu item check box - mark it to add the Resize window submenu to target window's system window menu.

Via border right-click check box - mark it to enable target window's stretching by right-clicking its border parts.

Save size on exit check box - mark it to save the current target window size upon its closing and restore this size next time the target window will be opened.

After Moving to Another Monitor group - contains radio buttons allowing to define how target window's size should be adjusted when the target window is moved to another monitor:

  • leave as is radio button - size remains the same. This can be useful if all your monitors have the same resolution so no adjustment is required

  • keep aspect ratio radio button - if target monitor has a lower/higher resolution than the previous one then window will be reduced/enlarged appropriately so it will take the same relative amount of screen space on any monitor

  • fit target monitor radio button - keep window wholly within target monitor boundaries. If window exceeds these boundaries then it will be shifted towards target monitor's top-left; if it still exceeds the boundaries then its size will be reduced appropriately

Adjusting Window Size

You can define a particular window size by using the following standard visual controls:

Size Controls

  • Width check box - mark it to consider the provided width value while applying the defined size

  • Width edit box - here you can type a value (zero or positive integer) in according to selected measure units

  • Width combo box - here you can select the desired measure units (pixels, percent of current monitor's width or percent of entire desktop's width) for a value typed in the edit box

    If you have only a single monitor then "current monitor" and "desktop" are equivalent.

  • Height check box - mark it to consider the provided height value while applying the defined size

  • Height edit box - here you can type a value (zero or positive integer) in according to selected measure units

  • Height combo box - here you can select the desired measure units (pixels, percent of current monitor's height or percent of entire desktop's height) for a value typed in the edit box

    If you have only a single monitor then "current monitor" and "desktop" are equivalent.

  • Window Finder icon - use this magic tool to retrieve actual values for both width and height from a particular window

  • Pre-defined button - click it to select the size from the list of sizes pre-defined at Resize Action options