Main Window

The Main window consists of the following functional areas:

Configuration Module main window

  • title pane (1) - consists of three subpanes:

    • Back/Forward buttons - using them you can step back and forward in the history of browsing through Actual Window Manager user interface (pretty much like as you do in web browsers).

      Hint  You can press the <Alt+Left> key combination to invoke the Back command and the <Alt+Right> key combination to invoke the Forward command.

    • context pane - displays the full name of a property sheet currently shown in the details pane

    • Hint  You can press the <Ctrl+F> key combination anytime to get into the search box.

  • details pane (3) - its content varies dynamically depending on which item is selected in the current navigation page

  • control buttons (4):

    • Help icon Context Topic button - opens the User Manual article explaining the purpose of the currently selected visual control

    • Undo icon Undo button - cancels the made changes step-by-step (so that you can restore the original state of your settings); also, you can press the <Ctrl+Z> key combination to invoke the Undo command

    • Redo icon Redo button - restores the changes canceled via Undo step-by-step; also, you can press the <Shift+Ctrl+Z> key combination to invoke the Redo command

  • general dialog command buttons (5):

    • OK button - click it to apply the changes you made and close the window

    • Cancel button - click it to close the window without applying

    • Apply button - click it to apply the changes you made without closing the window so you will be able to continue adjusting the options