Clipboard History Window
Available in: Actual Window Manager.
The Clipboard History window displays the list of data pieces recently copied into the system Clipboard and allows to select any of them to paste it into the current active window.
There is a list box displaying the list of data pieces currently stored in the history. Here is the color legend used to display items:
black font color | plain text |
blue font color | formatted text |
green font color | file(s) |
Graphic data pieces are displayed as small preview thumbnails of original pictures.
You can use the following keys:
<Up/Down Arrow> - to select the required data piece
<Enter> - to paste the selected data piece into the active window (also, you can use the mouse double-click on the item to paste it)
<Ctrl+Enter> - to invoke the Paste text only command
<Del> - to delete the selected data piece from the list
<Esc> - to close the window
Also, you can click the right mouse button on any item in the list to invoke the following context menu:
Paste command - pastes the selected data piece into the active window
Paste text only command - is available only for data pieces of the "formatted text" type. This command pastes a piece as plain text with all formatting stripped off (the original piece remains unmodified).
Delete command - deletes the selected data piece from the list
Clear history command - deletes all data pieces
You can invoke this window either via special hotkey combination or via Clipboard submenu in the Control Center's context menu.