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Topic: «New version 6.0 of Actual Window Manager and other products , System tray and toolbars mirroring, snap to desktop and other windows » on forum: Announcements   Views: 20149
Alexander Belyakov
Posts: 196
Joined: 06/07/2007
Posted: 02/19/2010 02:32:03

We are really glad to announce that February 12, 2010 we’ve finally released the long-awaited version 6.0 of Actual Window Manager and other products.

Here is the list of most important improvements made in this product (the full list of changes is available here):

  • The most intriguing are the Multi-monitor Taskbar changes:
      - notification area (a.k.a system tray) emulation on secondary monitors is added (it can show the clock and allows for manual icon reordering);
      - Quick Launch, Desktop, Address and other toolbars are now available on secondary taskbars;
      - the manual re-ordering of icons in the primary notification area by dragging them with the mouse has been added;
      - the Multi-monitor Taskbar extension now supports the "Small icons" option in Windows 7;
      - the ability to make taskbars transparent is added (see the "Transparency" option in the "Taskbar" panel).
  • Core improvements:
      - all executable files (including setups) are now digitally signed;
      - periodical and manual checking for updates by contacting Actual Tools website;
      - the console windows support is available on Windows 7;
      - the Transparency and Ghost features are now applicable to console windows on any version of Windows starting from Windows 2000;
      - Window Snapping feature has been added: when you drag or resize a window with the mouse it can stick certain window border/corner to:
              - desktop/monitor border (from inside);
              - other windows (from outside);
              - grid with defined cell size.
          To customize this feature, see the Window Snapping panel in the Options window.
      - the ability to drag window by holding the left mouse button anywhere within window's interior while certain modifier keys are pressed (Ctrl+Win by default) has been added;
      - the ability to resize window by holding the right mouse button anywhere within window's interior while certain modifier keys are pressed (Ctrl+Win by default) has been added.
  • Other important changes:
      - Move to Monitor at Startup action is available in the Default settings;
      - the partial ability to control display orientation via desktop profiles has been added. It will work only with the display adapters that explicitly report about their rotation capabilities to Windows; in other words, the list of supported video modes for such adapter will contain appropriate entries (for example, 768x1024 for the "portrait" orientation).
          If your display adapter allows such way of display rotation, you will see the additional "Display Orientation" group of controls on the "Multiple Monitors -> Desktop Profiles -> Monitors Layout and Settings" tab.
      - the set of advanced window actions to invoke via mouse clicks on standard window parts (such as title bar, regular Minimize/Maximize/Close buttons, etc.) has been extended;
      - the option to select the click type (single or double) to restore a window from the tray/screen icon has been added;
      - preview thumbnails are now shown over rolled up windows;
      - the Aero Snap mode now supports the horizontal maximization: just drag the left or right window border towards the corresponding monitor boundary to make window fit monitor width;
      - our products are now more Unicode-friendly: the Multi-monitor Taskbar/Task Switcher now correctly display the Unicode window captions, the same holds true for the Virtual Desktops Switcher, the Unhide submenu and the hints over tray/screen icons.
  • Overall stability is greatly improved, and many incompatibilities were fixed. To name some of them:
      - the intermittent crashes of applications written in Visual Basic have been fixed;
      - title buttons looked and placed incorrectly in non-standard screen DPIs (e.g. if the "Large fonts" option was enabled);
      - the leaks of graphics resources on Windows x64 when using the Multi-monitor Taskbar extension have been fixed;
      - the intermittent crash of Windows Explorer when using the Multi-monitor Taskbar extension has been fixed;
      - the crash of Control Center because of graphics resources exhaustion when using the Multi-monitor Taskbar extension has been fixed;
      - the unwanted automatic cyclic switching of virtual desktops has been fixed;
      - crash of some programs (e.g. WinZip 14 Professional) when using system menu commands has been fixed.

    We'd like to remind you that due to our upgrade policy the major updates should be paid for (even if you are a registered user of any version earlier than 6.0). However, the registered users of previous versions of Actual Tools products are entitled to significant upgrade discount when upgrading to version 6.0. To get advantage of this discount, please visit our Upgrade Center and enter your original 3.x/4.x/5.x registration key there.

    Important Note! If you registered your copy of any Actual Tools product in the period from July 9, 2009 - you are eligible for a free upgrade! Please contact our Customer Support at

    All others are welcome to try our software for 60 days for free and on their own see all the advantages our products bring to a day-to-day computer use.

    Note: If you are a blogger then you can take advantage of our Blogs Support Initiative and get Actual Multiple Monitors for free!

    Best regards,

    Actual Tools team

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