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Topic: «[SOLVED] Snap to a third of the screen , Is there a quick way to snap a window to the right or left third of a screen? » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 6500
Jonathan Hickman
Posts: 3
Joined: 12/28/2018
Posted: 04/12/2019 21:50:56
Is there a quick way to snap a window to the right or left third of a screen?

I have searched and searched the options and documentation. I frequently need to move a window to a third of a screen (overlapping but always on top of other windows). Is there a way to do this?
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4106
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 04/17/2019 05:43:13
Hello, Jonathan

Is there a quick way to snap a window to the right or left third of a screen?
You can use the Desktop Divider feature to divide the monitor area into three equal areas and then put a window easily into the area you need. Go to AWM configuration module > Layout and Snap > Desktop Divider > Tile Layouts. Create a new layout and select "Edit tiles". In the tile editor select "Grid division" and specify 1 row and 3 columns, press OK. Apply the changes. Now you can easily put a window in any of these tiles by dragging it to the border of the tile. Also you can put a window into a tile using the title button, via the "Put into..." dialogue window (can be opened from the window system menu or via the hotkey Win+Ctrl+Num5), or via the custom "Put into..." hotkey for the exact tile (can be created in the Hotkeys section of the configuration module).

If you have any questions about adjusting or using the feature, let me know.

Best regards.
Jonathan Hickman
Posts: 3
Joined: 12/28/2018
Posted: 04/17/2019 22:09:22
Thanks! I misunderstood what desktop divider does. I thought it was more of a virtual multiple monitors. This will save tons of tedious frustration!

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