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Topic: «Actual Window Manager 8.10.2 screen saver issue » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 6121
aniel arias
Posts: 11
Joined: 07/24/2016
Posted: 05/24/2017 21:53:31
after almost a year and issue have not been fixed at all, well partially, issue still happening, when computer goes into screen saver mode monitors that have been set up to have "none" as screen saver goes to blue (use to be black screen with an error message in the center, take a look at beginning of post). please fix it. here is a video example.

original post:
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4095
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 05/28/2017 16:40:51
Hello, Ariel

Could you please temporarily set the "Current Windows Screensaver" option in the Screen Saver section of the Actual Window Manager configuration module and then set the same (None) option via the standard Windows Screen Saver settings. How does it work in this case?

Also, if you want to see black screen as your screensaver then please try to use the Blank option instead of (None).

Best regards.
aniel arias
Posts: 11
Joined: 07/24/2016
Posted: 05/29/2017 06:24:47
have you read the original post? Im trying to use single screen saver over entire desktop or one of the other options, but i need to have the ability to leave one monitor set to none so it can stay always on while rest of the monitors goes into screen saver mode, reason why, is because that monitor is located in my parents room and its being use for monitoring the security system that i have set up (PC-NVR). thank you
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4095
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 06/13/2017 12:46:04
Hello, aries

Sorry for inaccuracy.

when computer goes into screen saver mode monitors that have been set up to have "none" as screen saver goes to blue
I can confirm this behavior. Monitor for which the (None) set as the screensaver option goes to black on our computers. We'll investigate this.

But have you tried the Save Idle Screens feature? Could you try it and see whether it suit your needs?

Best regards.

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