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Topic: «AWM Performance Issues with W10 1909 » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 59296
Registered user
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Posted: 07/10/2020 15:07:17
Богдан, добрый день.

Пробуя перемещать окна с помощью клавиатуры отметил интересное наблюдение. Ну во-первых перемещать с клавиатуры не помогает, если окно тяжелого процесса, то клавиатурой тоже тормозит, а может даже и больше. Но, если мы кликаем по шапке окна, выбираем Переместить (чтобы двигать окно), первый шажочек делаем клавиатурой, а дальше перемещаем окно мышкой (но без зажатой левой кнопки), то окно перемещается заметно быстрее, практически идеально. Окно абсолютно перестает отставать от курсора, как это могло бы быть в обычном случае, если мы просто Drag&Drop'али окно. Вот ссылка на видео, где сначала я пробую drag&drop, дальше пробую с клавиатуры перемещать, а в конце перемещаю мышкой, но с опцией Перемещение, т.е. без зажатой кнопкой мыши.

Exclusion типа окна помогает очень сильно. В случае с видеопроигрывателем, который я двигал, если его заэксклудить, то он начинает летать с фпс 30+.

По поводу режимов совместимости, ничего подобного не включено для экзешников из папки с AWM.
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4033
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Posted: 07/15/2020 01:59:24

Не могли бы вы прислать нам ваши настройки AWM (AWM configuration module > Tools > Configuration > Send to Tech Support)?

Также, скажите, создавали ли вы Specific Settings для окна, которое вы перетаскиваете на видео? Если да, то как они называются?

Попробуйте отключить опцию: AWM configuration module > Window Settings > Global Settings > Align > Display current window position while dragging manually. Сохраняется ли проблема после отключения опции?
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Posted: 07/15/2020 04:33:21

Отключил эту опцию и кажется это решило проблему полностью! Перемещение окон становится не просто быстрее, оно становится идеальным! Спасибо!
David P
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Posted: 07/10/2021 02:01:49
David K wrote:
As soon as I start using AWM the Windows UI gets extremely sluggish. Moving windows is choppy, opening the startmenu takes seconds. Windows explorer in general is slow as hell. Everything goes away as soon as I disable or pause AWM.

I was just going to say that I'm having the same problem, recently becoming particularly severe.

Have been running three 4K monitors at 200% scaling for some years now.

I'm basically seeing the exact same behavior as David K described above.

Recently, it's becoming nearly impossible for me to move a Word 365 window around on a monitor or between monitors. The window lags extremely behind the mouse, as if it is being dragged through honey. Other windows, such as Windows Explorer, move reasonably well, but not really good either. This all disappears immediately when I exit AWM. Only pausing AWM doesn't really help, the delays persist in this case.

The behavior seems to get worse over the day. In the morning after PC startup, while already noticeable, it's not that much of a problem. Before knowing that this is related to AWM, I had already created a discussion with screenshots etc. on Superuser here.

I have already disabled all the AWM options that have been suggested in this thread further above. Also, I have added Word 365 to the exclusion list. The issue is also present when only one of the three 4K monitors is switched on and being used.

By the way, AWM itself seems to be particularly badly affected by the problem. It is the slowest responding program that I have on the PC. When opening the main window or when switching between AWM preference categories, I can literally watch the individual GUI elements being drawn on the screen. When scrolling in an AWM window, there are extreme graphic errors for seconds at a time, as can be seen in this screenshot.

Overall, I use only a few features of AWM, mainly automatic position and size changes of program windows, otherwise nearly nothing.
Alex Fadeyev

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Joined: 09/30/2005
Posted: 07/13/2021 01:26:35

Thank you for the feedback. Unfortunately, the issue remains elusive because we both cannot reproduce it in our test environment and cannot even find any stable conditions of its reproduction (chasing it down is time-consuming, and we lost contact halfway to the end with most of our users who reported anything similar :( ). So, we'd be very grateful to you if you could help us find any clue :oops:

recently becoming particularly severe

Can you recall the exact moment? What have actually changed? Windows update, new video driver, etc.?

discussion with screenshots etc. on Superuser

A screenshot of Process Explorer there displays enormous amounts of virtual memory used by most of UI apps. Do these memory counts drop when you exit AWM, or they remain the same? Also, when you run a new process (e.g. open a new tab in Chrome) with AWM stopped - does its VM count spike high immediately, or after launching AWM back?

The issue is also present when only one of the three 4K monitors is switched on and being used.

Do I understand correct that the issue goes away if only 1 or 2 monitors remain active? In such case, if you turn any of the disabled options back on - the issue returns, or everything works smoothly until you activate the 3rd monitor?

I have already disabled all the AWM options that have been suggested

Do you have the Group Explorer windows within tabbed containers option enabled or disabled? If it's enabled then could you disable it and see whether it affects the issue or not. Also, do you have extra title buttons enabled in any of a problem app (Word, Explorer, etc.)?

Many thanks!
David P
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Posted: 03/02/2022 22:00:07
Hello everyone,

sorry for not letting you have an update on this for so long.

The problem hadn't been that severe since then either.

However, the present issue might be related to something I'm currently discussing on Superuser. There, something called "GDI Handles" has been brought up, which apparently can slow down the Windows GUI considerably, if too many of these handles are used.

David P wrote:
By the way, AWM itself seems to be particularly badly affected by the problem. It is the slowest responding program that I have on the PC. When opening the main window or when switching between AWM preference categories, I can literally watch the individual GUI elements being drawn on the screen. When scrolling in an AWM window, there are extreme graphic errors for seconds at a time, as can be seen in this screenshot.

I noticed that (besides the UltraSearch program, which causes severe Windows performance problems for me at times) also Actual Windows Manager seems to use quite a lot of those GDI handles.

Maybe this is a starting point for troubleshooting, in case similar performance problems occur again.

PS: Still seeing severe slows and graphics problems with the Actual Windows Manager config windows.
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4033
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 03/20/2022 13:48:26
Hello, David

Sorry for the delay in replying to you.

The problem hadn't been that severe since then either.
Do you recall after which events the problem became less severe? Did it become like this after update to the latest version

However, the present issue might be related to something I'm currently discussing on Superuser.
I don't see in the discussion that you attribute the problem to Actual Window Manager. Please clarify whether the conditions required for the problem in its current state to appear and to stop are the same as before. Does it start only if you use Actual Window Manager and does it get worse the longer you have it running? Does it stop as you exit AWM like before?

I noticed that (besides the UltraSearch program, which causes severe Windows performance problems for me at times) also Actual Windows Manager seems to use quite a lot of those GDI handles.
Do you refer to the value of the "All GDI" column for the process ActualWindowManagerCenter.exe?

As far as we can tell the GDI value is high but it's not significantly high and is within normal ranges. It shouldn't cause the problem.

Still seeing severe slows and graphics problems with the Actual Windows Manager config windows.
This problem may happen when the computer performance drops. When this problem happens again try to see in Task Manager (Ctrl+Shift+Esc combination) the common CPU and Memory consumption (Performance tab) and what processes have the highest values of CPU and Memory consumption (Details tab).

Also, please reply the question Alex asked you:
A screenshot of Process Explorer there displays enormous amounts of virtual memory used by most of UI apps. Do these memory counts drop when you exit AWM, or they remain the same? Also, when you run a new process (e.g. open a new tab in Chrome) with AWM stopped - does its VM count spike high immediately, or after launching AWM back?

Are you running the latest version of AWM now?

Could you specify the exact number of your Windows build (type winver in the Search field of the Windows Start menu, press Enter. The window containing the build number will appear).

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