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Topic: «The 2-character long rule to exclude hidden or non-windows » on forum: Window Rules, or Tips and Tricks   Views: 10276
Posts: 50
Joined: 03/18/2014
Posted: 05/16/2014 18:28:14
Enable logging to see how this can have AWM skip over most of the windows. On my machine it is on the order of 90% or more by this single rule, and no false positives.

All unnamed windows

[✓] Window caption: ^$
(•) Regular Expression
Open the log window and hit Apply or OK to have AWM reprocess all the windows and you will see the difference. And probably feel it since there is so much less processing.

It's the "^$" part that matches any blank windows. IMO this should be default behavior. :)
Posts: 50
Joined: 03/18/2014
Posted: 05/16/2014 19:10:07
Some of my other rules:

Windows system dialogs

[✓] Window class: #32770
[✓] Program: C:\Windows\System32\*.*
Change to C:\Windows\*.* if you want a broader match on dialogs, like there is for popup menus. I would keep it there though since some utilities pop up as dialogs.

Windows Immersive

[✓] Window class: Immersive
[✓] Program: explorer.exe
That's a substring match, it's undocumented but it works. Similar method and target here, for the Modern flyouts while on the desktop (Win+P, Win+I, Win+S, etc.):

Windows modern shell

[✓] Window class: ATL:
[✓] Program: explorer.exe
Some may be specific to my setup but the first one should apply in most cases.

A few other classes I exclude globally are:
  • Photoshop font change: CoolTypeFontChange
  • Photoshop OpenGL: NVOpenGLPbuffer
  • Windows Networking: WNPGeneric
  • Chrome Omnibox: _SearchEditBoxFakeWindow
  • Windows Push: PushNotifications
  • Windows Ribbon UI: KbxLabelClass
  • Windows Modern Store: MetroGhostWindow
  • Windows-related, forget exactly: NativeHWNDHost
  • Windows Services: WSHostControl

Here's a screenshot of mostly the first one:

Alexander Mihalkin

Posts: 502
Joined: 04/21/2014
Posted: 05/30/2014 18:34:34
Dear aph,

Thank you for sharing your rules!

We will consider adding the first one to the default configuration.

Best regards.
Posts: 50
Joined: 03/18/2014
Posted: 09/25/2014 11:21:53
Not included in 8.1.4 yet so here is my latest up-to-date list of exclusions.

These are the only ones I have, the default ones are disabled including Standard Windows Combobox, the half dozen Microsoft Office ones and Menu Programs + Start Menu, since the first rule covers them.

The Class substring matches are deliberately broad especially around the System Tray as I recently decided I wanted 100% coverage and this was the easiest way. I am still at 0 false positives.

Edit: Regex support, or even case insensitivity, for class names like there is for captions, would easily cut these down in half

Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4095
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 06/21/2017 20:39:34
Hello, aph

I'm glad to notify you that the requested exclusion has been added to the standard exclusions set of Actual Window Manager. It is presented in the latest version of Actual Window Manager 8.11 and in our other products as well.

Best regards.

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