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Topic: «AWM 6.0b1 and Skype Portable , Failure to apply window settings on chat windows » on forum: Beta Testing   Views: 13070
David Lomas
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Posts: 377
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Posted: 01/19/2010 03:43:51
One of my primary uses for AWM is managing multiple Skype chat windows - I have them set up to resize and align to the right hand edge of the screen, and automatically roll up when inactive, as I often have 5 or 6 on the go at a time.

I know I've posted about this before ages ago, but it seems to be happening much more frequently again now - AWM seems to struggle to get the chat windows to jump to the edge of the screen. Rollup works fine, and if I reapply the window's settings, it is sized and moved to where it should be. But quite often, if I close and reopen the chat window to the same skype contact, its opended with the wrong size and position again.

I know skype does strange things with the way it creates windows - at least that used to be part of the problem with auto-rollup and why we used to have to put a short delay in - otherwise it wouldn't unroll. Well that has been fixed for ages now, but I wonder if it is doing something weird that is causing AWM to miss the window creation event (or whatever it is AWM hooks into to resize and move windows).

I haven't found a way of reproducing it at will yet, but it happens several times a day (I am opening and closing chat windows a lot).


AWM 6.0b1 (but problem was there in AWM 5.5b4 too)
Skype Portable
Tatiana Jack
Posts: 616
Joined: 08/06/2008
Posted: 01/19/2010 06:35:30
Dear David,

Could you enable logging and try to reproduce the situation? Perhaps it'll help you and us to track down its cause.

It would be nice if you sent us your configuration after that.

David Lomas
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Posted: 01/19/2010 07:06:03
OK, will try. But I can't yet predict when it will happen. Will leave logging enabled and hopefully we can extract the important bits next time it occurs. In the meantime, I would send you my config, but when I try I get the following error (either 'Send to friend' or 'Send to tech support' from File menu):

Error occured in Actual Window Manager
An error has occured in Actual Window Manager:

`EAccessViolation: Access violation at address 7C80A378 in module 'kernel32.dll'. Read of address 635C3233'

We are really sorry for this inconvenience. An error report can be sent to Actual Tools, so we can fix it in next versions.


Would you like to send us this report (the message will be opened in your default email application)?
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Tatiana Jack
Posts: 616
Joined: 08/06/2008
Posted: 01/19/2010 09:38:36

It is important message for us. Please, send us manually all files from folder %AppData%/Actual Tools/Actual Window Manager/

David Lomas
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Posts: 377
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Posted: 01/19/2010 10:04:42
Sent zipped via email.


Alex Fadeyev

Posts: 1428
Joined: 09/30/2005
Posted: 01/19/2010 10:41:54
Hi David,

I'm sorry but there was a misunderstanding between you and Tatiana. She asked you send us all files from the %AppData% folder, not from the installation folder. :) Please, re-send us the files from there. Thank you!
David Lomas
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Posts: 377
Joined: 03/16/2006
Posted: 01/19/2010 10:59:46
Sorry - my mistake - I don't use environment variables much, and misinterpreted!

New, much smaller zip file on its way by email. :)


David Lomas
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Posts: 377
Joined: 03/16/2006
Posted: 01/19/2010 18:20:42
Managed to corner Skype this evening, where I could reliably open a chat window to a particular contact, and it would not size or align according to the AWM rule. Reapplying the window settings sorted it out.

So I closed the chat window, enabled logging in AWM and duly opened the chat window again. Nothing at all was recorded in the log. Not when it is first displayed, not when it rolls up and down (as its supposed to, according to the AWM rule) and not when it is closed. Reapplying the window settings creates this single entry in the log:

20/01/2010 00:13:35.046 New window Skype 4 Chat TConversationForm.UnicodeClass [contact name removed] C:\Portable Apps\SkypePortable\App\Skype\Phone\Skype.exe

Even after applying the window rules, closing and opening the chat window again causes it to open in the wrong place with the wrong size again.

Opening a chat window to a different contact did create a 'New Window' event, followed by a 'Caption Changed' event in the log, and the rule was applied as expected. However, on closing the new chat window and reopening it, not log entry was created and the window opened with the same problems as with the previous contact. This is repeatable for every contact I've tried so far - works the first time, but not subsequently.

Seems like Skype is managing its windows in a very strange way. Happy to do more testing if there's anything else I can prod for you.


Tatiana Jack
Posts: 616
Joined: 08/06/2008
Posted: 01/21/2010 05:18:10
Dear David,

We reproduced the problem on our test machine.

The described problem has appeared because of a specific work of Skype. It creates the chat window for any contact only once. Аnd even if you press the exit button the window won't close it, Skype will only hide the window. Therefore when you try to open the window again, it will became visible, not creating a new window. But AWM applies its settings only for a new created window.


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