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Topic: «8.1 B3 - So Far So Good , 8.1 Beta 3 - So far so good. » on forum: Beta Testing   Views: 5617
Paul Borer
Posts: 7
Joined: 12/28/2013
Posted: 12/28/2013 21:01:05
Only came across this program today, and installed beta 2 this morning.

Initially I did try on a VM the current version of Actual Window Guard, however that threw an error on exit. I tested the current release of Actual Window Monitor and also 8.1 B2 on my VM with no issues.

As I'm looking for a product I'd consider using, I also installed the 8.1 B2 on my Desktop, installed ok.

It was nice to see that you have just released beta 3. I did an in-place upgrade from B2 to B3 and the upgrade went ok. Seemed to take around 30/40 seconds from when it closed windows explorer to reloading it - which seemed a little long, but understandable given all the background stuff it needed to do during the update.

So far am liking the product and Beta 3.  :D

Microsoft Windows 8.1 Professional *64 (6.3 - Build 9600)
Alex Fadeyev

Posts: 1441
Joined: 09/30/2005
Posted: 12/28/2013 21:14:53
Paul, thank for your quick "field report" :)

It would be nice of you to check the Windows 8/8.1-related features (like the new "Metro frame window" hotkey or Alt-Tab Task Switcher) on your system and tell us whether they are stable/useful or not.

Happy Holidays!
Posts: 7
Joined: 12/28/2013
Posted: 12/28/2013 21:22:17
Thanks Alex.

I'll try and look into those 'Metro' features for you.  :)

As I'm new to this program and don't use 'Metro' on my PC I'll export my desktop settings of the program to my VM. If you could send me a link to an article or a guide as to what you would like me to test with your program regarding 'Metro' that be appreciated.

Microsoft Windows 8.1 Professional *64 (6.3 - Build 9600)
Vasiliy Ivachev
Posts: 2073
Joined: 11/09/2010
Posted: 01/16/2014 17:20:06
Hello Paul,

There are new "Metro frame window" hotkeys (Actual Window Manager -> Hotkeys -> Actions -> Metro frame window, win+shift+alt+] by default) that provides the ability to run Metro apps in windows alongside traditional desktop applications.

You could check these hotkeys with Metro apps on your system.

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