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Topic: «Taskbar length and remote desktop , Change taskabar length and display on remote » on forum: Feature Requests   Views: 7703
Jeff Pace
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Posts: 2
Joined: 06/25/2019
Posted: 06/25/2019 19:24:18
We use Desktop divider with a single 49" ultra wide monitor and it is currently the only product that actually works well.  

However, when you remote in from a laptop, it would be nice if it would autodisplay (we have it set to always on not hotkey) so that you dont get multiple skinny columns to snap

Second, is there anyway to snap the taskbar to one of the tiles? Having the start button 4 feet from the time is really annoying, and it would be nice to be able to change the size.
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4024
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 06/25/2019 21:03:36
Hello, Jeff

However, when you remote in from a laptop, it would be nice if it would autodisplay (we have it set to always on not hotkey) so that you dont get multiple skinny columns to snap
Could you clarify this? Do you mean you need a different desktop divider layout when connecting remotely?

Second, is there anyway to snap the taskbar to one of the tiles?
Unfortunately, there is no such feature, but we'll consider implementing it and will post in this topic if the feature is implemented.

Best regards.
Jeff Pace
Registered user
Posts: 2
Joined: 06/25/2019
Posted: 06/25/2019 21:16:46
Sorry typo, I would like divider to automatically DISABLE when i am remoted in.  Or load a separate config, if that is possible

For the taskbar, that would be great.  I like the Actual taskbar, i just wish the width were resizeable/I could snap it to one of the divided desktops
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4024
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 06/26/2019 19:33:29

You can achieve the automatic switching to other configuration using the combination of Windows Task Scheduler and shell command script containing the commands for Actual Window Manager.

You need to create .cmd command files. Launch Notepad and type the commands specified below, then save your file with a name of your choice BUT with an extension of .cmd. Make sure that the Save as type is All Files, and Encoding is ANSI.

Create two .cmd files with the following commands, where <> is the full path and name of the .zip file with respective configuration (you can create them by adjusting the settings in the configuration module for local and remote access and saving them using the Backup Tool - configuration module > Tools > Configuration > Backup):

PUSHD "C:\Program Files (x86)\Actual Window Manager"

START /WAIT ActualWindowManagerCenter.exe restore <>


Then you need to create tasks in the Windows Task Scheduler to run these files automatically when you connect to the computer remotely or locally: open Task Scheduler, click "Create Task...". You need to specify "On connection to user session > Connection from remote computer" as trigger for the first task and "On connection to user session > Connection from local computer" for the second. Add a new action for each task and specify the respective .cmd script for each (pause and resume or backup different configurations).

Once you create the tasks Actual Window Manager should use different configuration automatically as soon as you enter the system remotely or locally.

You can learn more about the AWM program command line parameters here.

Best regards.

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