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Topic: «AWM Default Settings > Position > , NO Align at start up » on forum: Feature Requests   Views: 3158
Posts: 302
Joined: 07/27/2010
Posted: 10/10/2014 00:52:51
I'm not sure why there isn't Position.'Align at start up' within the "Default Settings"

What are your thoughts?


Alexander Mihalkin

Posts: 502
Joined: 04/21/2014
Posted: 10/15/2014 21:01:20
Dear Lars,

thank you for your post!
Note that some options have been purposely excluded from Default Settings processing when they would be meaningless or possibly problematic for any window. There are, for example, certain windows with no title bar and windows that cannot be minimized or resized, and it would be pointless to specify window positioning or size for such arbitrary window. For this reason, the full range of options is available via the Specific Settings rules only.
Source: Default Settings - Principles of Operation - Online User Manual.

Best regards.
Posts: 302
Joined: 07/27/2010
Posted: 10/16/2014 05:28:15
The problem with the current AWM design of only allowing Specific Settings rules to set the position is unreasonable as it requires:

(1) the end-user to manually create a rule for every single application or window in their system. When a single attribute could be defined which effects all valid windows in the system. There is no way to create a rule which applies only to the Group called Specific Settings, therefore you have to remember and manually apply to each and every Specific Settings rule.

(2) Default Settings the attributes therein is an all or nothing approach. If I want or need more than one of those attributes enabled they can and will cause problems when affecting the entire system. If I apply the "\z" Exception then I loose one or more of the Default Setting attributes for which I do want or need to be applied to the entire system. Why am I limited?

(3) By definition windows which have no title, hidden, cannot be minimized, etc. are always excluded fr om whatever attribute behavior would not apply. However, that shouldn't lim it what should be available to otherwise applicable windows in the system, including providing a scope of influence of the rule for each attribute.

Source: Default Settings - Principles of Operation - Online User Manual.
Respectfully, it isn't providing the functionality that it could provide. It is very limited.

I posted a thread on this subject in great detail providing a reasonable and easy solution to implement, which would provide significant enhanced end-user functionality and capabilities. Unfortunately, I delete most of my emails as soon as possible and I don't have the thread reference. I'm unable to find it through the forum search as I keep getting date range errors. Is there an easy method to see a list of the threads I've posted in the last week in sorted order?


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