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Topic: «Esc to close active window » on forum: Feature Requests   Views: 9626
Advanced user
Posts: 141
Joined: 04/11/2005
Posted: 03/16/2007 20:21:30
I have always appreciated applications that are designed so that windows (parent and/or child) can be closed with the Esc key.  But most applications do not do this, even when it is sensible and possible.

So, this request is to have a feature that allows one to have a WM_CLOSE issued upon pressing the Esc key.

As a sub-feature to this, perhaps an additional option to confirm the window closure (e.g. "Are you sure you want to close this window?").

Thank you for reading.
Michael Rezvanov
Posts: 387
Joined: 01/31/2007
Posted: 03/19/2007 05:45:38
Hello Scott,

I`ve added your request to our to-do list, it will be implemented in our future versions.
Xahi 4475
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Posts: 59
Joined: 09/12/2006
Posted: 05/26/2007 20:13:46
If you implement this feature it will be useful for me when I use for Internet Explorer downloads. I need to use prevent close download. Currently I use rule for preventing close download when I press Close button but when I press accidentaly ESC or "Cancel" download will be stopped. Maybe you can add feature to prevent closing window if you press accidentaly "Cancel" and ESC. :D

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Robert Rayner
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Joined: 07/14/2007
Posted: 08/12/2007 00:03:39
This will be a handy feature, but MUST be optional as a lot of users including myself use the ESC key in IE to stop pages from loading large graphics, and certainly don't want the window to close instead.

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