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Topic: «[FIXED]Default: Save Position & Size , Extend Default Capabilities » on forum: Feature Requests   Views: 13631
Posted: 01/03/2012 12:01:24
Unless I'm missing something, not having "Save position on exit" and "Save size on exit" in the "Defaults" is significantly detrimental to the Actual Windows Manager product. Way too much overhead to perform manually for each app or dialog. I'd be elated if the capability for just the parent app had this ability. Is there some reason why we can't have this capability?

What are your thoughts?
Vasiliy Ivachev
Posts: 2073
Joined: 11/09/2010
Posted: 01/05/2012 01:17:53
Hello Zardoz2293,

Thanks for the post.

We already had a request for this option.

But realization of this option may result in a uncontrolled growth in the volume of information stored in the registry.

We'll investigate what can we do with this.

Best regards.
Posted: 01/18/2012 08:52:10
But realization of this option may result in a uncontrolled growth in the volume of information stored in the registry.
Understood. I'd like to add in addition to "position" and "size" is "topmost z-order" as well. Perhaps several end-user configuration controls could exist:
  • Whitelist (Explicit or Include list) for individual Applications to track their windows / dialogs position and size. Sometimes there are only a few rogue apps and or dialogs to track. But having an "auto" mode for specific applications would be a huge improvement over having to continuously tweak for position / sizing / topmost features.
  • Specification for maximum number of "windows / dialogs" to keep stateful for each Whitelist application being tracked.
What are your thoughts?
Vasiliy Ivachev
Posts: 2073
Joined: 11/09/2010
Posted: 01/19/2012 01:59:33
Way too much overhead to perform manually for each app or dialog.
- What number of applications do you want to use this feature with? You don't need to create specific settings for each dialog box. You should read this to efficiently operate your window rules - .

I'd like to add in addition to "position" and "size" is "topmost z-order" as well.
- Are you writing about the "Stay always-on-top" feature (Window Settings -> Startup -> Stay always-on-top)?

Best regards.
Posted: 01/26/2012 14:09:51
What number of applications do you want to use this feature with? You don't need to create specific settings for each dialog box. You should read this to efficiently operate your window rules - .
I don't know, it seems as if there are about 30-50 dialogs / windows that don't behave. It's a bit over the top, fr om my perspective as an end-user, to have to configure a unique configuration setting for each of the 30-50 to have it save the: position, size and always-on-top last settings. It's not impossible to create one for each, but it makes the value of this tool, limited to me based on the amount of time I have to spend in configurations. Further, if I make a change to how I want things generally configured, it might require me to modify all 30-50. I understand things can be configured for most cases but I'm looking for as minimum involvement using this tool to achieve my objectives. I understand the complexity of creating a user interface that achieves the client's objectives with there minimal time investment using the tool as well as the technical complexities, including performance and maintenance.

- Are you writing about the "Stay always-on-top" feature (Window Settings -> Startup -> Stay always-on-top)?
Yes, but there's more. I'm seeking a feature like "Stay always-on-top" but it forces the application on startup only to be set to the foreground with active program focus. I've noticed that a system configured with some low level applications prevent the launched application fr om being on the foreground and as well as not having the application focus.

Currently, I have 41 specific configuration settings. Primary focus on four applications / dialogs that cause 98% of all my problems: Firefox, WinRAR, XYplorer and the nightmare WindowClass= #32770. What the primary concerns are is the: position, sizing, always-on-top, and application focus on startup. All of the former apply for each dialog within that application except the last (which applies to startup of the application only). Where the real complexity exists is where the product uses the same WindowClass name with the same caption for different processes. Between those four tools they compose 27 unique configuration settings to get some kind of normalcy behavior within my system for all applications and dialogs. However, because there are strange side effects that occur only 4 of those 27 settings are active.
Vasiliy Ivachev
Posts: 2073
Joined: 11/09/2010
Posted: 01/30/2012 00:13:24
Zardoz2293, could you send me your configuration files (Actual Window Manager -> File -> Send Configuration -> Send to the Tech Support)?

Best regards.
Posts: 302
Joined: 07/27/2010
Posted: 10/08/2014 11:13:59
Vasiliy did you ever receive my configuration files in regards to this concern?


Alexander Mihalkin

Posts: 502
Joined: 04/21/2014
Posted: 10/09/2014 17:44:36
Dear Lars,

Are the configuration files we received from you today still actual in regard to this topic?

Best regards.
Posts: 302
Joined: 07/27/2010
Posted: 10/09/2014 19:04:22

Well, I was attempting to review all of my postings and make sure they were resolved or still open. In general I feel my concerns still are current even after all of this time since the original posting on this subject. The difference is instead of having 41 specific configuration settings I have 97 today.

I was trying to go through each Specific Setting and remove any that didn't need to exist having the "Default Settings" enabled. However, when I again enabled "Default Settings" I start encountering strange behavior and I just can't see from my perspective exactly, without question, what or how the Default Settings are affecting any Specific Setting. I've read your well worded description of the process concept and agree it is sound. What I'm saying is I can't see "visually" how the software is doing that for my own verification. I realize, if I look at any Specific Setting and I review the "Index" section that this is what behavior should be occurring. I feel I cannot perform any kind of testing whatsoever when clearly there is some problem at the "Default Settings" on Index.Size what is displayed and Size.Options[After Moving to Another Monitor] as these two items should be identical on my version of AWM 8.2 Final, they are never in sync. I suspect whatever is going on there is also occurring with other attributes, I don't know this but just suspect. I have this posted under another thread. Has it been confirmed or reproduced? I have rebooted and the out of sync behavior is 100% consistent on my system.

The threads below seem to be directly related to the above "Default Settings" concern:

"Default Settings" Screen shot:

Alexander Mihalkin

Posts: 502
Joined: 04/21/2014
Posted: 10/10/2014 00:34:16
Dear Lars,

thank you for your reply!

Yes, this issue has been confirmed. But what I have found is that Index tab gets synced with the actual settings after you close and re-open the Configuration Builder. Is it the same on your side?

Best regards.

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