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Topic: «Shortcut for cleaning up two monitors (Hibernation Problem) , Shortcut for cleaning up two monitors (Hibernation Problem) » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 7995
Oliver Züchner
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Posted: 06/14/2020 02:59:33
Actual Window Manager is very fine. But what I really miss: To organize my windows by pressing one shortcut.

I have two monitors. After restart from hibernation all my windows are confused. Of course I can use the Manager to reorganize them and its more comfortable than without. But it would be great to use one shortcut to put all the windows at their right place at once. I nearly always the same windows.

I am sure that a lot of users would welcome such a feature. I know that it is a common problem that I have described.

BR Oliver
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4033
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 06/17/2020 07:36:25
Hello, Oliver

Thank you for appreciation of our work.

Could you clarify in what exactly manner the windows are confused after hibernation? Are they all placed on the primary monitor?

Is the option "Bind the layout to the desktop geometry" enabled (AWM configuration module > Layout and Snap > Windows Layout > Bind the layout to the desktop geometry)?

Best regards.
Oliver Züchner
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Posted: 06/19/2020 16:39:05
Hello Bogdan,

1.After hibernation all windows are on the primary monitor.
2. The option you have mentioned is enabled.

This morning I had another problem that sometimes occurs after hibernation. (I have three virtual desktops on my primary monitor and one desktop only on my second monitor.) First I could see all my windows on the primary monitor but I couldn't use them. I tried to put the cursor in the windows but it doesn't work. I thought I should change from one to another virtual desktop. But now I couldn't see any window on any virtual desktop! I could see all windows when I used ALT+TAB. But I if tried to choose a window it disappeared. On the second monitor there was no window, too.

Finally I had to close all the applications and to open them again to see them. Not it works ...

BR Oliver
Jan Wielemans
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Posted: 11/22/2020 17:58:21
Any progress on this? I have the same problem.

After hibernation all windows on all virtual desktops are on the primary screen.

It does not matter what the options in "Layout and Snap > Windows Layout" are. I have tried virtually every combination and after hibernation all windows are on the primary screen.

Very frustrating as I have 3 monitors and 3 virtual desktops and every virtual desktop contains around 8 windows (so 24 in total).

I like the product and am still evaluating it. But re-arranging 24 windows after hibernation really is a dealbreaker to me.
Jan Wielemans
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Posted: 11/24/2020 03:12:22
It works.

After a lot of trial and error I discovered that the above hibernation problem had nothing to do with Actual Window Manager.

In my setup I have a laptop and two 4K LG monitors that automatically go in low power mode when no signal is detected.

The problem is that when Windows comes out of hibernation it has to "wake up" the monitors by providing a signal. There is a very short amount of time at startup where Windows only detects the primary monitor, just before the second and third monitor wake up again. During that period all Windows are reset to the primary monitor.

So if I wake up the monitors manually by touching the menu joysticks on the monitors and then get my laptop out of hibernation all screens are where they should be.

You would expect that checking "Keep layout automatically" would produce the same result. But is does not, at least not on my system.

Anyway, the workaround with waking up the screens manually before taking the laptop out of hibernation is good enough for me.
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4033
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 12/03/2020 11:18:32
Hello, everyone


Thank you for the provided information about the workaround you've discovered.

There is a very short amount of time at startup where Windows only detects the primary monitor, just before the second and third monitor wake up again.
This is exactly what we thought to be the reason of this problem – some monitors are considered not as just turned off but as disconnected when the system goes into hibernation. And this is why windows are moved to the primary monitor.

In my setup I have a laptop and two 4K LG monitors that automatically go in low power mode when no signal is detected.
Is the low power mode a particular monitor feature in this case? Can it be disabled?

What are the models of your external monitors?

You would expect that checking "Keep layout automatically" would produce the same result. But is does not, at least not on my system.
Could you please see whether the feature works if you disable/enable the monitors in the display settings (either in the system's or in Actual Window Manager)? Will the windows get back to the external monitors when you enable them?


We apologize for not replying to your message on time. We were not able to test the described situation at that moment.

What are the models of your monitors?

Could you please see whether the Keep layout automatically feature works if you disable/enable the secondary monitor in the display settings (either in the system's or in Actual Window Manager)?

Best regards.

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