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Topic: «AWM 4.5 and button fragment... » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 6407
Jeffrey Campbell
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Posted: 08/14/2007 16:06:42
Vista, AWM 4.5.

"Sometimes" in addition to the correct functioning buttons to the right of the titlebar, a fragement of the right side of the button bar is in the upper left corner (see attached document). Minimizing and reenabling the window seems to correct this behavior. I can't readily reproduce it... but it happens regularly with the product.

Michael Rezvanov
Posts: 387
Joined: 01/31/2007
Posted: 08/15/2007 02:51:26
Hello Jeffrey,

Really strange behavior, thank you for information. But unfortunately we cannot reproduce the situation, therefore if you can find out any concrete steps that lead to this behavior please let us know them. Thank you in advance.
Paul Genovese
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Posted: 08/24/2007 16:48:19
Michael Rezvanov wrote:
Hello Jeffrey,

Really strange behavior, thank you for information. But unfortunately we cannot reproduce the situation, therefore if you can find out any concrete steps that lead to this behavior please let us know them. Thank you in advance.

I am experiencing the same thing, especially with, but not limited to, Outlook 2007.

I'm running AWM 4.5 on Vista Ultimate, with all patches and hotfixes installed.
Michael Rezvanov
Posts: 387
Joined: 01/31/2007
Posted: 08/30/2007 23:01:03
Hello gentlemen,

How about steps to reproduce the situation? Is there any information available?
Paul Genovese
Registered user
Posts: 52
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Posted: 09/14/2007 17:30:47
Michael Rezvanov wrote:
Hello gentlemen,

How about steps to reproduce the situation? Is there any information available?

Add me to the list.  I really can't give you steps to reproduce the problem.  I'll simply be working away, and all of a sudden the buttons (in their original position at the right side of the window) no longer work, and I find additional buttons now showing up on the left side, which do perform the desired action.  I have no idea when or why this happens, or what steps were led up to it.

I'm using Vista Ultimate, and it usually shows up on the main Outlook 2007 window.  But that could simple be due to Outlook being my most used application.  It also shows up with other apps, like my browser (Maxthon).

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