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Topic: «Horrible issues with 8.3 that I never had before , Help please » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 4514
Posts: 18
Joined: 04/18/2014
Posted: 12/01/2015 10:40:29
So as of late I have been having horrible issue with AWM 8.3 that has NEVER been an issue before. I just did a format and have a fresh copy running however for some reason the program is registering my screens wrong and its causing a MASS of issues. I really sadly don't have the cash at the moment to upd ate the software to current to test if its a version issue though I doubt it because I never had this issue with 8.3 before. I have two screens my generic PnP which is the TV and my acer screen. Now as far as the computer can tell the primary screen it will always default to is my acer which is fine but once I boot into windows and as far as windows AND AWM see it my TV is my primary and my Secondary is the ACER meaning when I go into screen resolutions display one is my TV and display 2 is my ACER however at post my acer is the primary again no fault of mine just how the video card works.

Now here is where the issues begin. I have AWM running a static image background for my TV display 1 as far as windows can see and as awm can tell and for display 2 I have a slide show which updates every six seconds give or take. Now for some reason every reboot AWM flips this background even though the settings are still the same it makes display 2 my static and my TV the slide show now while this wouldnt be an issue whats really getting me and is causing me to lose programs when they open is when I right click on the taskbar on display two which is handled by AWM under multiple monitors>taskbar and having it se t to individual when I right click the taskbar on display 2 and tell it to send everything to display 1 it does NOTHING when I tell it to gather all items here aka display 2 it gathers all windows too you guessed it display 1. So for some odd reason display 1 is being seeing as display one and display two is being seen as display 1 with display 2 settings? I am not really sure whats going on or how to fix it but its making me crazy.
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4086
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 12/02/2015 17:38:29
Hello ac19189

Please make sure that you're running the 8.3 version and that AWM on your PC hasn't auto-updated to the latest 8.6.2. Is it surely 8.3 version?

the computer can tell the primary screen it will always default to is my acer
Where exactly can you see this information? Could you send us a photo of the screen, where it is shown.

Best regards.
Posts: 18
Joined: 04/18/2014
Posted: 12/02/2015 18:34:02
Yes I can confirm without a doubt it is 8.3 I am not having the issue as of the moment but the issue flip flops all the time right now its working correctly but in a few days or maybe even hours time it will flip flop again and I will need to invert my settings to make it work I will post below some images to explain better.

So this is the settings I have currently running and as you can see screen one is my main screen and two is my second screen.
Lets start with the version.
User added an image

Now showing the settings and how they are set correctly and how it should be working. < not going to img this because its so huge. < This is the settings as they should be and correctly working.

Now right now its working as it should no issue. However when it does break I must load up AWM mind you I have even gone as far as closing AWM down and restarting it this didn't solve the issue.

At one point I was running my settings like this.

User added an image

In order to make screen TWO slide show and screen one run the static image. As I stated above at the moment it is working correctly and the last time the issue happened a simple close and reopen of AWM fixed it thank the lords. However for a good amount of time I could even do that to solve the issue. For some reason AWM locked screen one in as screen two's settings and screen two's settings were locked into screen one and nothing I did could resolve this issue not closing AWM not even restarting I was forced to invert my settings to solve it till it bugged out and stopped being weird and let me go back to normal.

Edit: What really gets me is it happens at total random times last time I was playing a youtube video the time before that netflix the time before that coding and the time before that gaming. It justs totally random off the top at first I thought it might be when I was clearing the temp folder but it wasnt that I even made it a point to test that idea and it still didnt trigger the issue.

It bugged out early this morning and had I thought about it I would have grabbed some screenshots of it but sadly it didnt cross my mind it has become such a second nature to me I just opened AWM and fixed it. Though I will make it a point to grab the screenshot next time.

Just to show windows is also seeing my acer as window two here is windows settings.
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Posts: 18
Joined: 04/18/2014
Posted: 12/02/2015 18:55:15
This is how the issue starts windows is seeing display one as my sharp tv but for some reason AWM is seeing display one as my acer.

The issue though isnt what screen is what number the issue that makes me nuts is it switches my backgrounds on the screens.
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4086
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 12/05/2015 18:20:14

You wrote:
the computer can tell the primary screen it will always default to is my acer
however at post my acer is the primary again
Do you mean, that during the Power-on self-test the computer says that the laptop display is the primary display?  Could you send us a photo of the screen, where it is shown.

Do you mean, previosly (before the problem appeared) the monitor numbering was always correct both in Windows and in AWM settings? What was the numbering? Acer - 1, TV - 2?

Could you see what monitor numbering initially shows both Windows and AWM settings (right after laptop restart)? Do they match? Try to check this several times and let us know the results.
Posts: 18
Joined: 04/18/2014
Posted: 12/05/2015 18:40:51
Okay in short at post boot my ACER is my primary screen once the system loads to windows/login or desktop the TV becomes primary. So that being said the TV is primary my acer is secondary at that point. Now the issue I have been having is when windows loads AWM starts up and is more or less what controls my background images and all my toolbar configuration. AWM is in charge of my background images and my start bar for my secondary screen (Acer).

Now my settings on AWM are as followed. Screen one (TV) is a STATIC wallpaper. Screen TWO (ACER) is a SLIDESHOW from a single folder. AT total random times AWM will SWAP the settings on me even though the settings NEVER change in AWM. When I open AWM it shows screen one my (TV) as still static and screen two (ACER) as a slideshow. HOWEVER as I watch the screens my (TV) Screen one will be playing a slideshow and screen two (ACER) will be showing a static wallpaper.

In short THOUGH the settings for AWM say SCREEN ONE is static and SCREEN TWO is a slideshow its playing the slideshow on screen one and displaying the static picture on screen two.

WHEN this happens my only fix is to FLIP the settings meaning if I want a SLIDESHOW on SCREEN TWO (acer) I need to go to AWM settings and change screen ONE settings (TV) to effect SCREEN TWO and screen two settings effect SCREEN one. Not really sure how I can take a picture or explain this much better then this. As of right now I am not having as much of an issue as I was having though AWM has been doing stupid things like when I get a popup on screen TWO my acer I cant see it unless I send everything to my TV at which point the popup shows on screen two my acer. Also as of right now AWM has screen one and two messed up and even though windows says screen ONE is my TV and screen two is my Acer AWM is saying its the other way around. As I posted on the image above. Please tell me if I need to explain this any better I am not totally sure how else I can explain or take a picture of this issue though. As of right now my wallpapers are working correctly so I cant take a picture of the issue but when I originally made this post it had flipped on me now its back to normal because I told on it. XD

Edit: I shall give the computer a reboot in the morning after my defrag and virus scan finish and update you on the status of AWM and what screens are displaying as what numbers.
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4086
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 12/06/2015 12:20:57

Actually, i understood the problem from your previous messages. But you did't answer the questions from my last message, which are important for solving this issue.
Posts: 18
Joined: 04/18/2014
Posted: 12/10/2015 19:29:31
Sorry it took so long to reply I had to go out of town for a meeting. I rebooted about seven times and after all the reboots it still shows the acer as screen one and the TV as screen two even though windows sees screen one as the TV and acer as screen two however lucky for me the background images have yet to screw up like they were every week. Is their any other information you wanted me to grab for you? :)
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4086
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 12/11/2015 17:28:50

Do you have the normal background settings in AWM (TV - static image background, Acer display - slideshow) or inverted (TV - slideshow, Acer display - static image background)? Now, when the problem doesn't appear but the monitor numbering differs.

This is how the issue starts windows is seeing display one as my sharp tv but for some reason AWM is seeing display one as my acer.
Do you mean that the numbering of the monitors changed while the version you're running is still the same (8.3)?
Do you mean that when the problem starts it is always accompanied with changing of the monitors numbering in AWM?

Could you try the latest version (it has the trial period) and check whether the issue persists. There were some changes in monitor numbering since version 8.6.1.

Can you remember something that could possibly caused the appearing of the problem? For example installing of new video drivers or maybe other multi-monitor management software?
Posts: 18
Joined: 04/18/2014
Posted: 12/12/2015 03:52:40
As of now if I turn off AWM windows settings are TV screen one solid black color background and acer screen two solid black background. AWM settings are Acer screen one slideshow and tv screen two static. I am guessing the issue I was having was related to AWM switching the display numbers but it could be that it wasnt. I will install the current version when I can not at home to do so just yet. I shall let you know what the settings do after that.

As for the issue its not happening anymore so I am not sure if it was what makes it even more of an issue though. It was happening and I ended up being forced to reformat and even after a reformat and fresh reinstall it still happened. Even while I had almost nothing installed because AWM was the first thing I installed.

The only thing I could think of is it might have been a game or something that was causing the issue but I cant be totally sure of that because I have yet to recreate it nor have I been able to make it happen at will. I shall inform you of the results when I am able.

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