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Topic: «VirtualBox Guest Window in AWM » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 3261
Victor Atkinson
Posts: 9
Joined: 01/19/2013
Posted: 09/27/2015 03:15:28
I am running AWM v8.5.1 under Windows 7 Pro.  I have Oracle VirtualBox v5.0.0 installed as an application, and have created several Virtual Machines (VMs) to run other OSs (Windows 7, Windows 10, Linux, etc) as guests.  I have noticed that when I start any of the VMs, AWM does not handle the VM's window as it does regular apps.  The AWM Target Window dialog can see the VM's window and indicates that it is of window class QWidget, but no rules that I create for the window seem to get applied, nor can I add any buttons to its title bar.

Note that I did **not** sel ect the special command window option when I installed AWM.  However, the help file seems to indicate that this is not necessary for Windows 7, and the Command Prompt Windows Options Panel is missing fr om the configuration window.

Am I missing something or doing something wrong?

Victor Atkinson
Vasiliy Ivachev
Posts: 2073
Joined: 11/09/2010
Posted: 10/02/2015 13:53:00
Hello Victor,

Thanks for the post.

Please reinstall Actual Window Manager with the "Support system utilities and administrative tools" option enabled during the re-installation process (your configuration files will not be affected) and check whether the issue persists or not. If the issue persists, please specify which User Accounts both applications are ran under.
Victor Atkinson
Posts: 9
Joined: 01/19/2013
Posted: 10/04/2015 19:55:49
Thanks for the prompt response to my question.

I reinstalled AWM as you directed, and see that cmd.exe console windows are now handled by AWM, with title bar buttons appearing as on regular windows.  However, the Virtual Machine (VM) windows created by VirtualBox guests still are not being handled by AWM.

Attached is an image snapshot of the Processes tab from Task Manager, showing the 3 VirtualBox processes associated with the VM, as well as a 4th process called VBoxSVC.exe that is also started when I run the VM.  The highlighted process corresponds to the VirtualBox-generated shortcut that I use to start the VM.

I have been doing some Google research on this issue, and found a topic in the VirtualBox forum that could be related.  See the URL

Although the discussion is about a crashing problem, I found the statement at the bottom of the interesting:  "If running AWM involves injecting DLLs into the VirtualBox program space - and I rather suspect that it will - then those DLLs need to be signed."

Let me know if any of this helps, or if I can provide more info.  Thanks.

Victor Atkinson


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