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Topic: «AWM 8.5 Final Windows 10 , 2 Things... » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 3188
Posts: 302
Joined: 07/27/2010
Posted: 08/27/2015 15:18:37
Windows 10 Professional 64-bit; AWM 8.5 Final:

Using AWM Taskbars. The newly implemented pinned/loaded app displays the 'white bar' over the icon now correctly -- EXCEPT:

#1) When the app has more than one session / window the "white bar" is lost and is no longer displayed, hence loosing the ability to identify it, when currently loaded, until all but the last session / window is terminated then the 'white bar' over the icon is again displayed.

#2) When the app has more than one session / window the mini-window popups displaying the contents of the each 'window' is in the WRONG order -- this only occurs in Windows 10, Windows 7 displayed order correctly. WRONG order is defined as apps: A and B in mini-window popups but the real on screen order of those two apps is B and A

Vasiliy Ivachev
Posts: 2073
Joined: 11/09/2010
Posted: 08/31/2015 11:36:39
Hello Lars,

Thanks for the post.

#1) When the app has more than one session / window the "white bar" is lost and is no longer displayed, hence loosing the ability to identify it, when currently loaded, until all but the last session / window is terminated then the 'white bar' over the icon is again displayed.
- The problem has been confirmed. We'll try to fix it in next updates.

#2) When the app has more than one session / window the mini-window popups displaying the contents of the each 'window' is in the WRONG order -- this only occurs in Windows 10, Windows 7 displayed order correctly. WRONG order is defined as apps: A and B in mini-window popups but the real on screen order of those two apps is B and A
- Unfortunately, I was unable to reproduce the issue. Please provide screenshots of the issue and specify applications (names, versions) you are able to reproduce the issue with.

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