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Topic: «Position of Virtual Desktops Switcher , VDS doesn't return to same position when reopened » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 1991
Paul Churchley
Registered user
Posts: 6
Joined: 01/19/2015
Posted: 01/19/2015 18:56:00
I love this product  :D  but I am finding one particular issue a bit frustrating...

I like to leave certain apps open on other virtual desktops and so I use the VDS quite a lot. I normally keep the VDS open but as my screen is not big I occasionally have to close the VDS and reopen it when I need it. However, when I reopen the VDS it doesn't reopen in the same position it was in when I closed it.

As I normally keep the VDS open I normally position it docked to the right bottom corner. If I close it and then reopen it I will always want it int hat position. At the moment I have to keep moving it back to that position each time.

Is there a way to always keep the VDS docked to the side/top/bottom? Or even better... always open in in the same position it was in when it was closed?

Many thanks.
Alexander Salnikov
Posts: 235
Joined: 07/17/2013
Posted: 01/24/2015 13:04:29
Good day Paul,

Virtual Desktop Switcher is a specific window,set to be opened right near the cursor. Sadly,this can't be changed.

Have a nice day!

Any questions?Mail to!

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