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Topic: «[SOLVED] Remove Titlebar and Window Borders » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 16647
Michael Sam
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Joined: 04/24/2012
Posted: 04/28/2012 12:39:42
Is it possible to remove a window's titlebar and window borders with AWM? I would like to do this to fake full screen for certain windows.
Pim Joosten
Posts: 549
Joined: 11/11/2010
Posted: 04/28/2012 14:10:44
Hello Michael,

Yes, it is. If you make a specific setting and then under Startup > Options > Change standard window parts, you will find a couple of options, a.o. to remove certain standard parts. You can achieve what you want here.

Hope this helps.

Best regards.
Michael Sam
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Posted: 04/28/2012 14:25:21
Thank you, Mr. Pim Joosten! Despite the fact that I'm using AWM for years, I never gave much attention to that section, always focusing on the changing part when clicking different actions. I should've checked the help file as well, it's described there too.
Michael Sam
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Posted: 04/28/2012 14:29:54
Ok, I have instructed AWM to remove the border and title bar, but it only removed the title bar- window borders are still there. I also have set windows border padding to 0 and it doesn't help. I'm trying to make SoundSpectrum G-Force Standalone display audio visualizations in a borderless window .

EDIT: I got it, it was the resizable frame. Once I removed that, the window remaind clean, without any borders. Thank you!!
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Posted: 04/18/2020 21:18:16
This doesn't seem to be in the new version now.  Can anyone describe how to hide or remove the title bar and window borders in Windows 10 using Actual Window Manager?

Secondly, if it is indeed possible to remove the title bar and window borders on all monitors, is it also possible to only do it for 1 specific monitor in a multiple monitor setup?

Pim Joosten wrote:
Hello Michael,

Yes, it is. If you make a specific setting and then under Startup > Options > Change standard window parts, you will find a couple of options, a.o. to remove certain standard parts. You can achieve what you want here.

Hope this helps.

Best regards.
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4024
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 04/24/2020 20:48:51
Hello, scm

Thank you for contacting us.

The option is in its usual place, we didn't move it. It resides here: AWM configuration module > Window Settings > Specific Settings > specific settings for particular application (for example for Google Chrome) > "Startup" section > Options > Change standard window parts > Border and title bar (see the screenshots depicting two windows: the main configuration window and Google Chrome specific settings window).

Secondly, if it is indeed possible to remove the title bar and window borders on all monitors, is it also possible to only do it for 1 specific monitor in a multiple monitor setup?
The option doesn't work "per-monitor", it works "per-application" – you need to enable the option in specific settings for the application from which you want to remove title bar and window borders.

Here you can learn about the basic principles of operation of our programs and get familiar with the concept of Window Rule (represented by Default Settings and Specific Settings in the programs).

If there are no specific settings for the app you need in the standard list of the settings, you need to create specific settings for this application in order to apply the option to it.

Best regards.


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