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Topic: «Exclusions and multiple IE windows , Unable to exclude by window caption » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 5806
Registered user
Posts: 46
Joined: 12/01/2010
Posted: 01/21/2011 15:00:36
So I've got an application that displays help in an IE window.  Plus, I've got a 'specific setting' for IE, identified by the Window class and Program name - which sizes and places all IE windows.  Next I add an exclusion identified by Window caption "Toolset" (substring match) only.

When the help window appears, it reports that my 'specific setting' of Internet Explorer is currently applied.

The help window caption is "Toolset Help"

I assume that by leaving Window class and Program unchecked, that the Window caption is solely used to identify any windows that will match the exclusion.
Registered user
Posts: 46
Joined: 12/01/2010
Posted: 01/21/2011 15:19:11
To test using this forum and topic...

Add a specific setting for IE.  Window class and Program as identifiers.  Configure it such that all title buttons will appear.

Add an exclusion for IE.  Window class, Window caption ("Exclusions" - substring match), and Program as identifiers.  Change the setting for Default such that NO title buttons will appear.

While viewing this forums topic list, I would expect the specific setting to be currently applied and all title buttons displayed.

Now view the 'Exclusions and multiple IE windows' topic.  As the caption has changed and should now match the exclusion defined above, I would expect all of the title buttons to NOT be displayed.  Only the standard windows buttons would appear.

Vasiliy Ivachev
Posts: 2073
Joined: 11/09/2010
Posted: 01/23/2011 23:27:29
Hello Ron,

Could you send me your configuration files (Actual Window Manager -> File -> Send Configuration -> Send to the Tech Support)?

Best regards.

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