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Topic: «ignore deactivation » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 49834
Bernardo Luz
Posts: 7
Joined: 12/20/2015
Posted: 02/18/2016 09:08:22
DISCOVERY: the relative logical positions of the displays matter! The display where the game runs used to be above another (with the windows). I rearranged the displays so that the display with the game is to the right of the others and it's mostly fine (sometimes it still acts up and minimizes Street Fighter 5), as long as I don't put any windows in it while the game is running.

There is still a bug, since it only happens with certain games, but the situation has improved...
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4099
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 03/02/2016 13:52:03

For now i can't even get the Ignore deactivation feature work for these games at all. No matter to which window i switch, as soom as i hit Alt+Tab both games become mininized.

How do you launch these games – via Steam or via desktop shortcuts?

Do you use the Steam overlay for these games or any other unusual things?
Bernardo Luz
Posts: 7
Joined: 12/20/2015
Posted: 03/07/2016 05:17:55
Hi. Ah, I don't actually press Alt + Tab; I move the mouse cursor and left-click outside the games! If the cursor is locked, I use Actual Multiple Monitors' hotkeys to unlock it or move it to another display, before clicking. SF5 has the Steam overlay and Rising Thunder doesn't.

SF5 I launch from inside Steam. Rising Thunder I don't. It might interest you to know that the SF5 executable that is initially run runs yet another executable, under 'StreetFighterV\StreetFighterV\Binaries\Win64\'
Posts: 4
Joined: 06/02/2016
Posted: 06/02/2016 15:34:59
I have:
Dual monitors
AWM 8.8.3
Windows 8.1
Having use AWM/ignore deactivation with no issues with some games... real cool!
As a steam user; I came to a "old" game ROME: TOTAL WAR, also a cool one...
My problem is this:
Initial game screens/selections ignore deactivation works fine BUT soon game starts, trying to pull out the mouse to the other monitor fails, keeps forcing it back.
The game starts on a map which is scrolled with the mouse/keys, but other games also and I haven't the same problem.
I've tried: Fullscreen/windowed, Compatibility mode ON/OFF, LOCK MOUSE ON/OFF, with no effect on issue.

What can I do more?
I would appreciate reports,
Alex Fadeyev

Posts: 1452
Joined: 09/30/2005
Posted: 06/02/2016 17:05:53
Izno, both Lock Mouse and Ignore Deactivation features are experimental, it's not guaranteed they will work with an arbitrary game. Did you try to apply Ignore Deactivation at startup by creating specific window settings for "Rome: Total War"?
Posts: 4
Joined: 06/02/2016
Posted: 06/02/2016 18:23:10
No I didn´t try it.
So I will and give report

Thanks for reply it
Posts: 4
Joined: 06/02/2016
Posted: 06/05/2016 03:35:23
No, not able to do it, with specific settings.
So I thought another way;  :idea: came back many years when I use ALT+Tab to circle open applications to active.
Then I windowed the game to screen resolution (=fullscreen),
I think this will do, mainly because the game will stay waiting, and on the other monitor will I work my excel data.

Of course it would be faster to move the mouse out, so I will expect more improvement to AWM  :D  
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4099
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 06/06/2016 11:54:54

Could you try to enable the Steam overlay in the game and then press the Ignore Deactivation hotkey and see whether you able to move the cursor out of the game window?
Posts: 4
Joined: 06/02/2016
Posted: 06/06/2016 15:19:45
I've try it before, the mouse came out...but steam overlay fade way the game and hide most of the gamescreen, so I could'nt take notes to excel application.

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