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Topic: «Windows do not maximize to full screen size , Trouble resizing Windwos » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 52336
Andrew Hamling
Posts: 9
Joined: 07/25/2013
Posted: 08/09/2013 00:30:02
Wow, I just love how I'm a paying customer and my problem is completely ignored...
Alexander Salnikov
Posts: 235
Joined: 07/17/2013
Posted: 08/21/2013 15:22:02
Good day gentleman,

First of all, accept our kind apologizes for the delay with answers. We had staff difficulties here.
As for the issue, we have just released the version 8.0.1. Could you please try it and see if the

Any questions?Mail to!
Andrew Hamling
Posts: 9
Joined: 07/25/2013
Posted: 08/21/2013 21:42:29
So far, so good! Thanks for the reply, I didn't realize that AMM had such a large update, it never told me to update so I never checked. >.<
Andrew Hamling
Posts: 9
Joined: 07/25/2013
Posted: 08/21/2013 21:44:27
Nvm, I'll have to go back to 5.1.1, you didn't tell me that going to 8.0 would invalidate my license. I'm not purchasing it again, sorry!

Especially since I barely got a year out of my previous licence, I'm not a fan of "yearly" licences and I'm not gonna start supporting software that dumps it's users like that.
Alexander Salnikov
Posts: 235
Joined: 07/17/2013
Posted: 08/22/2013 13:41:45
Hi again Andrew,

dumps it's users like that
We are not dumping anyone. As I told before-we had staff problems so that there was noone to answer your questions or to help.

you didn't tell me that going to 8.0 would invalidate my license
It didnt invalidate.Just gave you a trial period. As a user of a version 5.1.1 you should know that according to our license policy to use a major update without trial you need to purchase(with an upgrade discount) the license for it.

So if this didn't then please go to Configuration window, then Tools, Configuration, Send to Tech Support, and fill the form, for the further investigation.

Any questions?Mail to!
Andrew Hamling
Posts: 9
Joined: 07/25/2013
Posted: 08/23/2013 01:04:23
For what it's worth, it's still happenening. The main culprit seems to be Microsoft Outlook 2013. As I'm on 5.1.1 and this is the only minor bug I've encountered, I'm happy to stay where I'm at, thank you.

I'm just curious though, why go from 5.1.1 to 8.0? It seems like quite the version jump, and I honestly couldn't tell a difference between 8.0.1 and 5.1.1.

I also did as you suggested and sent in an email to support through the program.
Alexander Salnikov
Posts: 235
Joined: 07/17/2013
Posted: 08/23/2013 10:54:20
Hi Andrew,

Sadly, I wasn't able to reproduce your issue. Could you send a step-by-step instructions how to reproduce it? Also it would be good if you send me a screenshot of it.

I'm just curious though, why go from 5.1.1 to 8.0?
We just didn't like the difference with the versions of our products. We had that latest versions of our products were:
AWM 7.5.1
AMM 5.1.1
AVD 4.5.1 and so on.

It seems like quite the version jump, and I honestly couldn't tell a difference between 8.0.1 and 5.1.1.
That's because 5.1.1 is previous to 8.0.1 :)

Any questions?Mail to!
Andrew Hamling
Posts: 9
Joined: 07/25/2013
Posted: 08/23/2013 23:53:53
Here's a picture.

User added an image

It happens shortly after opening Outlook 2013 and receiving an email. You may not be able to reproduce it, but it's annoying as hell. I see it happened on AWM and you fixed it in version 7.5, so you know the problem was in your other products too.

That's because 5.1.1 is previous to 8.0.1 :)

Obviously 8.0.1 was after 5.1.1, what I was saying is after I installed 8.0.1, it didn't feel like a major update worth charging $15-25 for. I hope you can squish the bug though, for the 8.0 users, as a 5.1.1 user I won't be seeing the fix.
Alexander Salnikov
Posts: 235
Joined: 07/17/2013
Posted: 08/26/2013 12:30:17
Good day Andrew,

I have added issue into our database. Our developers will try to solve it. I will contact you as soon as we get the solution.

Any questions?Mail to!
Alexander Salnikov
Posts: 235
Joined: 07/17/2013
Posted: 08/26/2013 13:52:53
Hi again Andrew,

Developers asked if you have any plug-ins installed to outlook.
Also they need to know if there are any programs launched at the same time with outlook.

Any questions?Mail to!

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