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Topic: «[CONFIRMED] Excel Ribbon Disappearing , All Excel workbooks lose their ribbon when switching desktops » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 118679
Reinhard Franz
Posts: 18
Joined: 01/22/2019
Posted: 02/23/2019 00:55:53
First of all, thanks for solving the problem!!  :D

@jon: I could not detect something in my excel version (2019).
I have several workbooks open and of course I can use all menu functions.
Maybe you can describe in more detail, what exactly does not work for you.
then I like to test it again with my excel.
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4100
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 02/24/2019 18:45:47

Do you use the Ignore Deactivation feature for Excel windows? Is it enabled in the settings applied to Excel windows: AWM configuration module > Window Settings > Specific Settings > specific settings for Excel > Startup > Ignore Deactivation). If yes, then could you disable it and see whether the problem persists?

Best regards.
Jon Albright

Posts: 35
Joined: 01/04/2019
Posted: 02/25/2019 23:39:20
Do you use the Ignore Deactivation feature for Excel windows? Is it enabled in the settings applied to Excel windows: AWM configuration module > Window Settings > Specific Settings > specific settings for Excel > Startup > Ignore Deactivation). If yes, then could you disable it and see whether the problem persists?

I have multiple worksheet tabs in a workbook and one of the main things that was acting peculiar involved selecting a different workbook tab.  Upon selecting a different tab or selecting an item in the menu bar, the focus would revert from the current workbook to the first workbook I had opened.  I discovered that if I waited long enough > 5 minutes, control would be passed back to the current workbook I had been working with.  The Ignore Deactivation setting was enabled by default so I deselected it.  At the moment, it appears that it could have possibly been this setting that was causing the erratic behavior I was experiencing.  The erratic behavior seems to have gone away with this setting modification.

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