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Topic: «ignore deactivation » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 49762
Vasiliy Ivachev
Posts: 2073
Joined: 11/09/2010
Posted: 03/11/2015 21:35:00
bibo bg,

You are able to hit the "Ignore deactivation" hotkeys combination in the game and the "Ignore deactivation" feature will be disabled. Then the game will be minimized on a deactivation.

Best regards.
Bernardo Luz
Posts: 7
Joined: 12/20/2015
Posted: 12/20/2015 12:19:32
Hi. I can't get the 'Ignore deactivation' feature to fully work with Street Fighter V Beta... It seems somehow related to Google Chrome: if I click on a Chrome window, thus giving it focus, the game minimizes; for some reason, when I click on other windows nothing happens (correct behavior). The feature does not present this bug with Ultra Street Fighter IV.

The beta test for Street Fighter V ends tomorrow, and I don't know if there will be additional beta test periods before the game release, so it may be inconvenient for you to play it (you need either a code or have pre-ordered the full game), but I can tell you the game uses Unreal Engine 4. I noticed a recent update to Actual Multiple Monitors had to do with support for Unreal Engine 3 games, so I'm now wondering if you have pending issues specific to Unreal Engine 4... It's a reasonable bet that this same issue will happen with the full version of Street Fighter V, once it comes out.

Ah, I use Windows 7 and Actual Multiple Monitors version 8.7 beta 1.

I hope you can figure something out! :)

Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4095
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 12/21/2015 19:22:14
Hello, Bernardo.

We haven't recieved reports about this problem with Unreal Engine 4 games before.

If there is additional beta test period, could you try to reproduce the issue using the current version of AMM?

And let us know, if there is additional beta test period. We could also try to reproduce the issue.

If there isn't, at least we're aware of this possible problem.

Best regards.
Bernardo Luz
Posts: 7
Joined: 12/20/2015
Posted: 01/27/2016 03:09:59

Capcom will be running one final beta test as a thank you to fans. This last phase is set for January 30th at 12:01 a.m. PST (8:01 a.m. GMT), and ending January 31st at 7 p.m. PST (February 1st at 3 a.m. GMT).

Source: Street Fighter 5 cinematic story trailer released, final beta taking place on January 30th

Should still I revert to the latest release version instead of the latest beta version of Actual Multiple Monitors?
Well, I suppose I can test both. :)
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4095
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 02/01/2016 11:56:35
Hello, Bernardo.

Unfortunately, we weren't able to test the Ignore Deactivation with Street Fighter 5 beta.

What is the result of your testing?
Bernardo Luz
Posts: 7
Joined: 12/20/2015
Posted: 02/06/2016 07:48:34
Hi. There was a major blackout after a storm w/ winds peaking 120 Km/h in my city, with my residential Internet access only being restored three days later, so I ended up not playing the beta. However, I realized I can still run the game executable and have it switch to full screen just the same, so I can test this even though I can't actually play the game.

I have installed the new version, 8.7, and the bug is still here. All other application windows I have tested, which include Windows Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Skype, Steam, Notepad++ and Miranda, don't cause the game to be minimized when I click on them, but Google Chrome does. It's safe to say Chrome somehow has different behavior...
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4095
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 02/08/2016 17:58:43

Does it depend on whether you switch focus from SF5 right to Chrome or first you switch to any of the listed applications (Firefox, Skype etc) and then switch to Chrome?
Bernardo Luz
Posts: 7
Joined: 12/20/2015
Posted: 02/11/2016 02:39:41
Hi. No, it doesn't make a difference if Chrome is the first window I click on after I move the mouse cursor out of Street Fighter 5 Beta. I just tested it and accidentally discovered the Command Prompt window causes this same bug! Maybe there is a specific drawing function that these windows use and others don't, and it interacts badly with Street Fighter 5 Beta?

I confirmed again that everything goes perfectly if it's Ultra Street Fighter 4 instead.

I looked for other games I might have that use Unreal Engine 4, and found the Rising Thunder beta here. The same issue happens with the beta version of Rising Thunder (free).
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4095
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 02/13/2016 21:20:20

Were you able to use Ignore Deactivation in Rising Thunder at all?

In what mode do you run this game (windowed, full-screen etc)?

Do you launch Chrome under the same user account as other applications?
Bernardo Luz
Posts: 7
Joined: 12/20/2015
Posted: 02/17/2016 02:26:21
Hi. Ignore Deactivation works in Rising Thunder following the same patterns as Street Fighter 5 (which came out today!): as long as I don't click on either Google Chrome or Command Prompt windows (or their "handle" on the taskbar), it's ok. Now new observations I just made: (1) the maximized MS Paint window causes the bug as well (strangely, only if it's maximized); (2) Chrome does not cause the bug if it's not maximized. Other windows I tested don't cause the bug even if they're maximized.

I try to use the feature while the games are in Full Screen mode (non-windowed). I don't believe the feature is supposed to be necessary in 'windowed full-screen' modes in games, but gaming performance suffers outside the strict full screen mode, hence the interest in the feature.

Yes, I don't do anything different for Chrome or Command Prompt (no different Windows accounts)...

I'm very suspicious of Unreal Engine 4. I wish I had/knew I had a third game to test and possibly increase the probability of pinpointing it as the cause even further...


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