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Topic: «Virtual desktop feature , Doesn't work at all for me » on forum: Beta Testing   Views: 27012
Dan D'Eramo
Posts: 5
Joined: 04/21/2008
Posted: 05/04/2008 06:06:11
My Firefox version is, or more completely:

   Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US;
   rv: Gecko/20080404 Firefox/

I don't know about other browsers.  As far as I can tell, launching urls from an application always chooses the default browser.

The "don't open a new window, just open a new tab in the existing window" setting of Firefox is probably important to this.  If you open a .pdf file in the primary virtual desktop, then go to a second virtual desktop and try to open another .pdf, it isn't the same thing, unless your .pdf viewer has a similar setting to suppress opening a second window.

Michael Rezvanov
Posts: 387
Joined: 01/31/2007
Posted: 05/04/2008 23:09:08

Does it mean that the issue also relates to .pdf files? Please specify.
Dan D'Eramo
Posts: 5
Joined: 04/21/2008
Posted: 05/05/2008 07:16:50
Does it mean that the issue also relates to .pdf files? Please specify.

No, it does not relate to .pdf files.

I was merely using that as an example of an application that can have multiple windows open.  Notepad would be an even better example that can have multiple windows open.  You might not be able to reproduce what I saw if you use such an application -- I just opened one Notepad window on the main virtual display, and then a second on my other virtual display, and there was no jumping by AWM between the virtual displays.

My default web browser is Firefox so if I try to browse a link in some other application, it launches Firefox on that link.  But my Firefox settings explicitly say not to open a new window when that happens, but instead to open a new tab in the existing window.

My Firefox window is on the main virtual desktop.  The first time I click on a link in an application on my second virtual desktop, it opened a new tab in Firefox and jumped back to the main virtual desktop in order to show it (if you are not running AWM, the Firefox window is raised and given focus when you do this).

The problem came later ... I moved the other application to the main virtual display, clicked on another link, and this time AWM switched back to my alternate virtual display and pulled the Firefox window there, where I had never placed it before.  It was as if AWM instead of learning to open Firefox in the main virtual display, had instead learned to open Firefox in whatever is currently the other virtual display.

Michael Rezvanov
Posts: 387
Joined: 01/31/2007
Posted: 05/06/2008 07:05:46
Dan, we've tried to reproduce the problem on our machines - still cannot detect the bug. Please send us your configuration files (File->Send Configuration->Send to the Tech Support).

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