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Topic: «AMM on Windows 8 , secondary taskbar improvement » on forum: Feature Requests   Views: 33984
Yisheng Xu
Posts: 9
Joined: 09/05/2012
Posted: 12/19/2012 10:59:56
Downloaded and tried AMM 5.0 on a system with 64 bit Windows 8 Pro. I only enabled the AMM task bar on the second monitor. The main task bar is the Winodws 8 native one. So the the test results may be different if both task bars are AMM provided. I wish you can post a release note for bug fixes and remains after each version upd ate. Now I'll do it partially after only short period of usage. The following are noticable changes (improvements) and remaining bugs:

1. Fixed the display of Windows 7 Startup orb (scaling issue) and pinned icons (corruption issue). I cannot notice any difference between the AMM task bar and the Windows 7 native one that I used for many years before, except that the digital clock still does not contain the date.

2. Fixed the window bottom crop issue that exists in Version 4.2.

3. Fixed the bug of disabled Windows 8 Start screen status bar and charm bar buttons when AMM is running. Now I can unintall apps using the right-click status bar or shut down the computer using the charm bar from the second monitor. Previously, this bug was related to the AMM main program and existed even when the AMM task bar was disabled.

4. Improved the color se tting of the AMM task bar so it can match the color of the Windows 8 native task bar when the theme color changes.

5. A remaining bug for unabling to activate the second monitor Start screen when the AMM task bar is enabled and there are no Windows 8 style apps running.

6. A remaining bug for Windows 8 Start screen and/or charm bar display location when the AMM task bar is enabled. The charm bar may be displayed on the primary monitor when pressing Win+C from the secondary monitor. This may be related to Issue 5.

7. A remaining serious bug that the Windows 8 display window manager will become unstable after enabling the AMM task bar for a while. The syptoms are: 1) missing and/or mislocated (appeared as shadows on the left of the task bar) notification tray icons; 2) hidden windows after clicking the icon of the AMM task bar that cannot be dispalyed on either monitors or closed by any ways; 3) shadow display of desktop icon labels; 4) the entire system becomes nonresponsive even after existing the AMM main program. The above issues won't appear when AMM task bar is disabled so the only way is to shut down the computer using the power button and disable the AMM task bar before the problems happen next time.
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4100
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 01/21/2013 00:45:16
Hello Yisheng Xu.

There is the "What's New" section on our site, where the changes in the new version are listed:

5. A remaining bug for unabling to activate the second monitor Start screen when the AMM task bar is enabled and there are no Windows 8 style apps running.
What do you mean?

About the 7th - how can i reproduce this? Is there the steps to reproduce the problem?

Best regards.
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4100
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 02/05/2013 22:27:51
Hello Yisheng Xu

I'd like to inform you that some of the subject issues have been fixed. The fix is available in the Actual Window Manager new version 7.4.2 (as well as in the new versions of other our programs that provide the relevant functionality).

Best regards.
Yisheng Xu
Posts: 9
Joined: 09/05/2012
Posted: 02/27/2013 12:29:29
Thanks for the recent updates of AMM. I'm currently using version 5.0.4 and almost all above bugs have been fixed. There is still a minor one retaining, which I didn't report correctly:

This can be replicable by enabling a second monitor when AMM is running. I have a LED TV and a LED monitor both connect to the computer. The TV is set as the secondary display and is normally off. When I turn on the TV, the "corner" actions of Windows 8 for metro start menu and background app list only works from the primary monitor for the first time. That is, if I try to show these from the TV, the corner actions won't work. But if I first do one of these actions once from the primary monitor, I can enable them later on from the TV. This is different from the default behavior of Windows 8.

There is a new bug after the recent updates, which is related to a resolved bug. When pressing "alt+tab" to switch windows, I always need to press them twice. When I press them the first time, I will see the thumbnail window list but the active window will not switch. This is different from the default behavior of Windows 8 that switching will take place immediately by pressing "alt+tab".

Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4100
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 03/28/2013 00:47:39
Hello Yisheng Xu

I was unable to reproduce the issue.

Can you confirm that the issue still persists in the latest version of AMM?

Best regards.
Yisheng Xu
Posts: 9
Joined: 09/05/2012
Posted: 03/28/2013 06:28:48
Version 5.1 fixed the bug of the "alt+tab" window switching problem. Thanks for this update!

The bug of launching the Windows 8 start screen from a newly added second monitor still remains. I can replicate this issue with the following procedure:

1. Turn off the second monitor (an HDMI TV in my case);
2. Turn on the second monitor;
3. The corner actions of the second monitor cannot be enabled;
4. Launch a modern UI app from the AMM startup screen;
5. The corner actions of the second monitor are now enabled.
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4100
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 04/01/2013 23:10:24
Hello Yisheng Xu

How exactly do you disable/enable the secondary monitor?

Best regards.
Yisheng Xu
Posts: 9
Joined: 09/05/2012
Posted: 04/02/2013 07:48:31
I just power it off.
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4100
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 04/02/2013 21:47:54
Do you mean with the power button?

Does the HDMI TV disappears from the monitors layout when you disabling it that way?

Yisheng Xu
Posts: 9
Joined: 09/05/2012
Posted: 04/03/2013 06:01:43
Yes. It still in the layout after the TV is powered off. After I power it on again, the primary monitor will be blank for a second then the dual monitors will show up. I guess this is related to a HDMI AV receiver (acting like a HDMI switch) connected between the PC and TV.

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