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Topic: «PC slows down when launching software or games » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 116028
Nils Nilsson
Posts: 15
Joined: 10/02/2017
Posted: 09/26/2018 18:58:42
Do we need to uninstall before installing?
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4100
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 10/02/2018 08:38:27
Hello, Nils

No, you don't have to uninstall your current version before installing the test build.

Best regards.
Tormod Huseboe
Posts: 1
Joined: 10/10/2018
Posted: 10/10/2018 02:06:18
Bogdan: I can confirm this remedied the problem. Can you describe what caused the error? Thanks.  :!:
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4100
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 10/12/2018 20:43:48
Hello, Tormod

Could you clarify what exactly remedied the problem in your case? Installing one of the test builds? What exactly test build solved the problem?

Best regards.
Florian Rahm
Posts: 19
Joined: 04/10/2012
Posted: 11/28/2018 15:58:55
Same problems here. 6(12) Core Intel I7-8700 CPU, all applications freeze for 5 or more seconds after starting them. Outlook hangs 2016 all the time when i cklick a new mail.
My mouse lags all 5 seconds for nearly one second.

Pausing amm doesnt help, only disabling amm is an option.

Using AMM since 2012, but the actual performance is a real problem.  

Can anyone help ?

Thanks !
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4100
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 11/30/2018 20:56:11
Hello, Florian

What version of Actual Multiple Monitors you're running?

What OS are you running (version, 32- or 64-bit)?

Can you recall when this problem first appeared?

Does this problem persist all the time when Actual Multiple Monitors is running or it happens at some periods?

Is this problem associated with waking up the computer from sleep/hibernation?

Does this problem happen if you try to reproduce it right after restart of the system?

Outlook hangs 2016 all the time when i cklick a new mail.
Do you mean Outlook hangs the same way the other applications freeze – for about 5 seconds?

Could you open the task manager (Ctrl+Shift+Esc), go to "Processes" tab ("Details" tab if you're running Windows 8 or 10), then sort the processes by CPU consumption in descending order. Reproduce the problem and see what processes have the greatest CPU consumption values when windows freeze. Let us know the results.

Best regards.
Florian Rahm
Posts: 19
Joined: 04/10/2012
Posted: 12/12/2018 22:50:41

I'm running AMM 8.13.3
Windows 10 x 64, newest Updates installed
Occured 2 months ago for the first time
Happes all the time wenn amm is active
Its not associated with hybernate
Yes, happen direct after restart
Outlook hangs like every other app for 5 sec
starting a app or programm leads somtimes to freeze for 10 or more seconds
the process thats using the greatest cpu resources is "AudioEndpointBuilder" ?
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4100
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 12/13/2018 15:35:25

Could you name several applications you've noticed this problem with (the most popular of them)?

Could you try to disable the Audio Switcher feature of Actual Multiple Monitors and see whether it solves the problem (AMM configuration module > Multiple Monitors > Audio Switcher > uncheck the "Enable Audio Switcher" option).

the process thats using the greatest cpu resources is "AudioEndpointBuilder"
What is the value of the CPU consumption parameter at the moment when the freezing persists and when there is no freezing in the system?

What is the common CPU usage in the system at these two moments (the Performance tab of task manager)?

Best regards.
Florian Rahm
Posts: 19
Joined: 04/10/2012
Posted: 12/17/2018 22:58:16

the applications are:

Steam Games, Outlook, Synology Surveilance Client, Dymo Label Printer Manager,
Explorer, Firefox, Evernote. opening network shares... Everything freezes for 5 to 15 secs.

The Sound switch is already disabled. Never had it enabled.
Andrew Mancey
Posts: 2
Joined: 12/20/2018
Posted: 12/20/2018 17:32:50

We have recently upgraded to Windows 10, Office 2016 and I have to advise that we have tested all versions of AMM and the performance is appalling. When moving the mouse between a dual monitor setup, the mouse cursor freezes at the point of moving between screens. During application use, the mouse will lag (jitter). As an example test, even if you sit with no applications open and rotate the mouse in a circular motion on the desktop, at regular intervals the mouse cursor will slow down. Once AMM is closed, this behaviour stops happening completely. The computers are high powered 8GB RAM Quad Core i5 devices with SSD drives. A client we are working with has blamed our hardware refresh on the problem (which is 2-3 times more powerful than what they had previously), but it turns out the performance impact is as a consequence of AMM. At the current time, we have suggested that the client no longer use the product, unless this is sorted.

Many thanks

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