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Topic: «[SOLVED] Youtube videos not smooth with Actual multiple monitors » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 107211
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4100
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 12/22/2017 21:02:13

When I hide the taskbar, it still visible 1-2 px line at the bottom and the videos still lagging.
Seems like you've enabled the Auto-hide mode for the taskbar, while I wanted you to use the "Hide taskbar" option (see the screenshot, the option should be active when you have several monitors).

Could you now disable the Auto-hide option, but don't hide the taskbar. First try to disable all the taskbar parts in the taskbar context menu > Taskbar Parts (Start button, search button and other parts in the list). See whether it helps. If it helps, try to find what exactly taskbar part triggers the problem.

If disabling taskbar parts doesn't help, then try to use the "Hide taskbar" option. Let us know the results.

Best regards.
Petr Vlacil
Posts: 110
Joined: 03/09/2014
Posted: 12/24/2017 07:54:50
Ok this problem is maybe in Palemoon, because when I play games while I pay videos on Youtube via Palemoon, I have less FPS in games. So this problem must be fix from Palemoon.

And I have maybe another problem, when I play videos in fullscreen (Youtube or videos from VLC media player) , it sometimes blink (shows) taskbar over the fullscreen (original Windows taskbar, when I am using only one monitor too) . Only one random taskbar blink per 1-2 hours. I think, this is AMM problem, because without AMM started I don't see any blink.
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4100
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 12/25/2017 20:19:36

What is your monitors layout? What interfaces you use to connect the monitors to the computer (HDMI, DVI etc.)? Do you use USB video adapters or docking station?

it sometimes blink (shows) taskbar over the fullscreen (original Windows taskbar, when I am using only one monitor too).
Do you mean the taskbar first appears in front of the full-screen video and then hides behind it again by itself? How long time the taskbar is visible?

original Windows taskbar, when I am using only one monitor too
Are you sure it's native system taskbar and not AMM taskbar? The "Replace the system taskbar" option should be disabled in AMM configuration module in order for the system taskbar was displayed (configuration module > Multiple Monitors > Taskbar > Replace the system taskbar).
Petr Vlacil
Posts: 110
Joined: 03/09/2014
Posted: 12/25/2017 22:58:06
I have HDMI monitor.
Yes its appear and then disappear (blink) . Yes it blink native Windows taskbar too (when I duplicating display to HDMI monitor for example) , I don't have replaced it with AMM taskbar.
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4100
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 12/27/2017 17:12:21

Could you launch Actual Multiple Monitors, open the Log Window (AMM tray icon context menu > Show log window). Then enable logging in the window, start a full-screen video and wait until the taskbr blinks. As soon as it blinks, see whether there is any entry in the log window with time close to the time when the taskbar blinked. If there is any, then provide us the information about this window specified in the log.

Best regards.
Petr Vlacil
Posts: 110
Joined: 03/09/2014
Posted: 12/28/2017 03:29:35
Ok so when I will watch video and it blinks, I post you a log.
Petr Vlacil
Posts: 110
Joined: 03/09/2014
Posted: 12/29/2017 06:46:46
Ok, I have installed Office 2003 in my system and what I saw in log, it doing Outlook. But it strange, because I don't use Outlook. Maybe some service in office doing this.

Here is the lines which I have in log when the taskbar blink:
PURPLE LINE 29.12.2017 00:32:04.048 New window Default Settings #32770 Microsoft Office Outlook c:\program files (x86)\microsoft office\OFFICE11\OUTLOOK.EXE

PURPLE LINE 29.12.2017 00:32:04.048 Caption changed Default Settings #32770 Microsoft Office Outlook c:\program files (x86)\microsoft office\OFFICE11\OUTLOOK.EXE

RED LINE 29.12.2017 00:32:04.045 New window All unnamed windows (empty caption) #32770 c:\program files (x86)\microsoft office\OFFICE11\OUTLOOK.EXE

But still, without AMM I don't see any blinking.
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4100
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 01/12/2018 12:26:11

Could you see in Task Manager (processes tab) if the Outlook process Outlook.exe persists all the time in your system or it's brought by some other application for short period of time and then is closed?

Best regards.
Petr Vlacil
Posts: 110
Joined: 03/09/2014
Posted: 01/19/2018 23:55:07
No I don't have any outlook app or proccess in task manager.
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4100
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 01/31/2018 00:30:11

Sorry for the delay.

Could you try to create Specific Settings for Outlook in Actual Multiple Monitors configuration module: open the configuration module > Window Settings > Specific Settings > the icon with the green plus sign > then specify the Target Window criterion for the newly created Specific Settings: Program and Window class. Program: \outlook.exe, Window Class: #32770. Also you can change the default name of the settings. Then go to the Startup tab of the settings and enable the "Remove taskbar entry" action for the settings, click Apply both in the settings window and in the main configuration window.

Then open the Log Window, enable logging in the window, start a full-screen video and see whether the problem appears this time. Whether it appears or not, see if there are entries associated with Outlook.exe in the log window and if the created settings were applied to the outlook windows. Let us know the results.

Best regards.

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