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Topic: «AMM 3.2 & Lotus Notes 8.5.2 , Lotus Notes tool bar buttons have no text » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 20897
Vasiliy Ivachev
Posts: 2073
Joined: 11/09/2010
Posted: 08/19/2011 02:37:38
Hello gentlemen,

Thanks for your messages and sorry for the late response.

Unfortunately, I can't reproduce the problem with Actual Multiple Monitors 3.3 and Lotus Notes 8.5.2 using your configuration files.

Could you check whether the problem still persists in Actual Multiple Monitors 3.3 or not?

Best regards.
Kurt Tomicich
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Posted: 08/19/2011 09:04:12
"Late response" ...  yeah.  I sent the config file over a month ago.  My trial expired two weeks ago.

At the time I gave up on AMM and switched to one of your competitor's products, 3.2 was the most current version.  I suppose, if I find myself with nothing better to do, I might try 3.3 just for kicks.  It's unlikely unless you guys give me a free license to make up for sucking so much on addressing the issue.

I suggest you pursue this issue with Stephen before you lose him as a customer as well.
Vasiliy Ivachev
Posts: 2073
Joined: 11/09/2010
Posted: 08/25/2011 01:38:39
Hello Stephen and Kurt,

Do you use other system extenders (like Actual Multiple Monitors)?

Best regards.
Kurt Tomicich
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Posted: 08/25/2011 07:54:54
Really?  6 days later and you ask if we're maybe using the product that this thread is about to begin with.
Before I gave up on AMM I thought it was a very good product, but this level of support quality (none) is unacceptable.
Alex Fadeyev

Posts: 1428
Joined: 09/30/2005
Posted: 08/25/2011 08:23:31

I apologize for a long delay with replying to your request. We are small company with limited resources so sometimes we physically can't handle in time the amount of incoming requests (which may look like a neglect for customers).

In your case, the situation was worse that the reported bug required to involve developers which were busy at that moment.

For now, I have to say that the reported issue can't be resolved in any way other than creating an exclusion for Lotus Notes e-mail windows (i.e. removing all of extra AMM features from them). This bug depends on a low-level system peculiarity which exists only in 64-bit Windows.

Sorry again. Let me suggest you give AMM another try (the version 3.3 will extend the evaluation period for 10 days).

Hope for understanding.
Pim Joosten
Posts: 549
Joined: 11/11/2010
Posted: 08/25/2011 09:38:36
Hello Kurt,

Let me start by saying that I am not in any way involved or associated with, or paid by Actual Tools. I am just a client who purchased Actual Window Manager last year. But I do want to step up for their support, because personally I think Actual Tools has great support, but you just had a case where everything did not go as smoothly as usual.

In my experience I usually get a reply on a post or e-mail within 2 days, very often the next day. And when I get the reply Actual Tools always asks good questions (if they need further information). They always try to solve the issue. I have had so many cases with other software companies where they do not listen and give me a standard answer, even stupid answers like switch of UAC, where this was clearly not the culprit. Now, that is a waste of time for me! Actual Tools does never follow a standard script in answering me and I am always treated like a client.

Also, they take suggestions fr om users very seriously. Very often they will incorporate suggestions fr om users quickly. Reported bugs are usually also fixed very quickly. I even had one occasion wh ere I was confused by a setting when installing AWM. Apart from replying me promptly, I noticed that in the next version they had changed the installation text a bit, to make it more clear for others, while I had not even thought it needed clarification. I really thought I should have read better what was already there.

If you read other stories from users you will see that many of them are saying the same thing. I am sorry that your experience in this case was not what I have usually seen it is. It is probably due to the vacation period and Actual Tools being a small business. I have a sole proprietorship myself, and I recognize the situation that it is sometimes difficult to do what I know I should be doing, just because there is not enough time available at the moment. In the end I then try to make up for it. It seems like Alex is doing the same.

The reason for writing this is that I think Actual Window Manager is a great product and Actual Tools really tries to listen to their clients, i.e. me. AWM contains so many tools for doing what I did not know before was possible. It has really made my computer life a lot easier. Should you reconsider AMM, I can even suggest you try AWM. It is only slightly more expensive, but you get 100% more tools, many of which will come in very handy!

Best regards,

Pim Joosten
Amsterdam - The Netherlands

... and you ask if we're maybe using the product that this thread is about to begin with.
I think what Vasiliy meant here was not whether you used AMM, but any software other than AMM. When people speak the same language but are from different countries, please be aware not to understand everything you read exactly the same way you maybe would from a native speaker. However, in this case even in correct English the word "like" which Vasiliy used could be interpreted as "similar".
Kurt Tomicich
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Posted: 08/25/2011 18:22:01
Hmmm.  Well that's high praise indeed.
Unfortunately because I was on a trial and it expired while I was waiting for a response, much less a resolution, I've already moved on to another product.

If I misunderstood Vasiliy's question then I retract that last comment of mine, but I don't apologize for it - clarity in communication is fairly important.  If that's the case then a response is appropriate - no, I was not using any other extenders while AMM was active.
Vasiliy Ivachev
Posts: 2073
Joined: 11/09/2010
Posted: 08/31/2011 02:31:51
Kurt, we could give you a free license key for Actual Multiple Monitors if you want to help us with this problem.

Please, send me ( ) a message with your decision.

Best regards.

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