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Topic: «Any timeline on when the new version (8.14.8 I presume) comes out? , It seems Windows 11 is doing bad things lol - heard there might be an update in March » on forum: General   Views: 16467
Thom H
Posts: 7
Joined: 03/23/2023
Posted: 03/28/2023 04:21:21
I was wondering if there was any update on when the new version of AWM might be coming out - at the moment, Windows 11 is breaking systray (aka tray or system tray) icons on Actual taskbars - in my case, disappearing them all together.
Chris Miller
Posts: 249
Joined: 08/02/2011
Posted: 03/30/2023 19:38:19
I'd love to hear that there's something in the works.  I've been rather disappointed in the level of communication and activity over the last 2 years.  I'm a diehard ActualTools fanboi, but I've had to start looking to other solutions (DisplayFusion) because of how many bugs remain unfixed, or new bugs crop up with changes to Win10/Win11 that break functionality.

As a comparison, DisplayFusion has an active beta channel with quarterly, monthly, or even weekly updates as it grows closer to release.  They are constantly improving, fixing, and working with the community to debug and make the software better.

There are still MANY things that I use that ActualTools does better, or has a function that is unavailable entirely in DisplayFusion.  There are many feature requests that I've added to the DisplayFusion request list that have been added while ActualTools seems to stagnate.

Let's go ActualTools!!!  You can do eeeeet!!!!
Thom H
Posts: 7
Joined: 03/23/2023
Posted: 03/31/2023 05:02:13
I had to quit using DisplayFusion years ago - it was too bloated & didn't offer the level of customization that Actual does. I haven't tried it in years - the core functionality that I need is the taskbar customization that Actual used to provide before Microsoft borked everything. If I can't get the systray icons on taskbars for each monitor, there's not much of a reason to run anything. May as well accept Microsoft's terrible UI & UX re: taskbars
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4099
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 04/21/2023 02:24:36
Hello, Thom. Hello, Chris.

Thank you for contacting us and sorry for the delay in replying to you.

We're currently finishing working on the version 8.14.8. We're about to release it by the end of April.

at the moment, Windows 11 is breaking systray (aka tray or system tray) icons on Actual taskbars
This is a known problem and yes, it's due to changes in Windows 11. We'll try to fix it and will post in this topic when it's fixed. Unfortunately, the upcoming version 8.14.8 won't include fix for this problem.

Best regards.
Thom H
Posts: 7
Joined: 03/23/2023
Posted: 04/22/2023 09:39:16

This is great news. I know it's not easy & I appreciate the Actual Team's efforts.

I prefer Actual Windows Manager (lean, less resource hogging) to Display Fusion (a little on the chonky side, slows down my PCs) and I'm stoked that we may have a fix for the missing system tray icons.

Thom H
Posts: 7
Joined: 03/23/2023
Posted: 05/10/2023 09:34:12
Is there an update or a beta version?
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4099
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 05/24/2023 01:13:53

Once again sorry for the delay in replying to you.

We're now putting the finishing touches on the new version 8.15 and we plan to finally release it in the end of May / beginning of June.
Chris James
Posts: 6
Joined: 12/22/2021
Posted: 06/01/2023 23:12:55
It's the beginning of June now.

I've just reinstalled a fresh copy of Windows 11, and AWM is even more broken than it was before the reinstall.

I am currently evaluating a competitors product because of this, so a proper due date for a new version would be really helpful.
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4099
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 06/30/2023 21:17:09
Hello, everyone

The new version of Actual Window Manager 8.15 and also the new versions of our other products have been finally released.

As I wrote previously, the problem with system tray in our software taskbars is not fixed in this version, but the problem seems to be fixable. We hope we're able to fix it and include the fix in the next version of our programs.

Best regards.

Posts: 1
Joined: 09/10/2022
Posted: 07/01/2023 23:58:34
Bogdan Polishchuk wrote:
Hello, everyone

The new version of Actual Window Manager 8.15 and also the new versions of our other products have been finally released.

As I wrote previously, the problem with system tray in our software taskbars is not fixed in this version, but the problem seems to be fixable. We hope we're able to fix it and include the fix in the next version of our programs.

Best regards.

Is this fix going to be in another year? It's literally the only reason why I'm not using your program right now.

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