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Topic: «Disable AWM Alt+Tab in favour of Windows Alt+Tab » on forum: Feature Requests   Views: 34326
Frank Gerrits
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Posted: 11/01/2013 16:50:20

Is it possible to disable the Alt+Tab (to switch to another window) in AWM? I realy like the product, but I prefer the standard Alt+Tab function of Windows (8/8.1). It is faster and it keeps Win8 apps and full screen games in the correct order in the list of windows, whereas AWM is slower and it always puts Win8 apps and full screen games at the front of the list of windows (i.e. before desktop apps).

Alternatively: could you make the Alt+Tab functionality in AWM work exactly as fast and functionally the same as Windows :)?

Due to this, I hesitate to continue using AWM, even though I realy like the other features. I use Alt+Tab so often every day, it just gets irritating.
So, if it is possible to just disable Alt+Tab in AWM I would be happy for the short run, because I still could use all the other features of your otherwise great product!

Frank Gerrits
Vasiliy Ivachev
Posts: 2073
Joined: 11/09/2010
Posted: 11/27/2013 18:36:58
Hello Frank,

Thanks for the post.

What version of Actual Window Manager are you running?
Windows 8 32 or 64-bit?

Could you provide me an example where AWM task switcher doesn't work the same way as the native task switcher (you wrote that Win8 apps and full screen games at the front of the list of windows)?
Frank Gerrits
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Posted: 12/04/2013 17:42:27
Hi Vasiliy,

I have tested it again with the latest beta (8.1 b2), but that does not make a difference. I am running Windows 8.1 Pro 64-bit.

I have the following problems with Alt+Tab behaviour when running AWM:
It is significantly slower then the native Windows function, both in first popping up the Alt+Tab window, and in stepping through the windows (when keeping Alt pressed and repeatedly pressing Tab).
It always shows Windows Apps and fullscreen (Directx) games as the first item in the Alt+Tab window, not in the actual position based on last opened. 'Normal' desktop app's are ordered correctly. Just open a Windows App (like Store or something), open some desktop apps, and then use Alt+Tab: the Windows App will be first in order, which it shouldn't be.
If I use Alt+Tab while a Windows App (like Store) has the focus it will take even longer before the Alt+Tab window pops up, and then when it does it erratically jumps through all windows as long as I keep the Alt key pressed, even though I do not have the Tab key pressed! In that case it actually is not possible to switch app's through Alt+Tab.

For me this makes the Alt+Tab behaviour of AWM not workable. And because I cannot disable it, I cannot actualy use AWM, which is a shame because of its other features  :cry:

Vasiliy Ivachev
Posts: 2073
Joined: 11/09/2010
Posted: 12/06/2013 18:22:05
Hello Frank,

These problems have been confirmed and fixed.
The fixes will be available in the next update.

Best regards.
Frank Gerrits
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Posted: 12/07/2013 03:08:18
Hi Vasiliy,

Thanks! I'll be waiting with anticipation  :D

Frank Gerrits
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Posted: 01/25/2014 23:56:13
Hi Vasiliy,

I still have issues with the Alt+Tab behaviour (task switcher):

* AWM's task switcher is still significantly slower than the native Windows task switcher.

* Sometimes Win8/Win8.1 App's (not native Windows programs) are shown by AWM's task switcher that are not actually running and not even started since the computer was turned on. F.i. the Store app is almost always visible in the task switcher, whether I have started it or not.

* Sometimes progams do not appear in AWM's task switcher, even though they are running and visible in the task bar. At least I have noticed this problem with Visual Studio 2012 when it is running and not visible in the task switcher.

So, again my question: could you make AWM's task switcher optional, so that I can keep using AWM, but use the Windows task switcher at the same time.

I am using Windows 8.1 64bit, with the latest release of AWM (8.1).
NB. The other problems mentioned earlier in this thread are fixed.

Vasiliy Ivachev
Posts: 2073
Joined: 11/09/2010
Posted: 01/28/2014 19:27:00
Hello Frank,

* AWM's task switcher is still significantly slower than the native Windows task switcher.
- In what exactly situations does our task switcher work slower than the native task switcher?

* Sometimes Win8/Win8.1 App's (not native Windows programs) are shown by AWM's task switcher that are not actually running and not even started since the computer was turned on. F.i. the Store app is almost always visible in the task switcher, whether I have started it or not.
- The problem has been confirmed. We'll try to fix it.

* Sometimes progams do not appear in AWM's task switcher, even though they are running and visible in the task bar. At least I have noticed this problem with Visual Studio 2012 when it is running and not visible in the task switcher.
- Are you able to reproduce this? If yes, could you provide me a step by step description of how to reproduce this?

So, again my question: could you make AWM's task switcher optional, so that I can keep using AWM, but use the Windows task switcher at the same time.
- We'll consider this.
Frank Gerrits
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Posted: 01/28/2014 21:45:24
Hi Vasiliy,

In what exactly situations does our task switcher work slower than the native task switcher?
* The AWM Task Switcher appears a bit later when Alt+TAB is first pressed compared to the Windows Task Switcher. With the Windows Task Switcher I can Always use Alt+TAB to switch back to the last active window, no mather how quickly I release the keys. With AWM I have to keep Alt+TAB pressed a little longer to achieve the same.

* When the Task Switcher is visible, i.e. the Alt key is still pressed: if you then press the TAB key again it takes longer for the next thumbnail in the Task Switcher to be selected, compared to the Windows Task Switcher.

* When the Task Switcher is visible, i.e. the Alt key is still pressed: if you then the TAB key and keep it pressed AWM cycles through the thumbnails. But this also is (much) slower, compared to the Windows Task Switcher.

Are you able to reproduce this? If yes, could you provide me a step by step description of how to reproduce this?
Unfortunately not. I have noticed it twice now, both times with Visual Studio 2010 (not 2012 as I mentioned earlier). But it is not a consistent problem.

Tinybut Strong
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Posted: 01/28/2014 21:51:12
I waked up my computer today, here is the alt+tab:

AWM on:
AWM off:

So for sure some windows are missing from AWM task switcher.

I hope my post isn't hijacking your thread.

Windows 8 x64 + AWM 8.1
Vasiliy Ivachev
Posts: 2073
Joined: 11/09/2010
Posted: 01/31/2014 17:30:29
Hello gentlemen,

* The AWM Task Switcher appears a bit later when Alt+TAB is first pressed compared to the Windows Task Switcher. With the Windows Task Switcher I can Always use Alt+TAB to switch back to the last active window, no mather how quickly I release the keys. With AWM I have to keep Alt+TAB pressed a little longer to achieve the same.

* When the Task Switcher is visible, i.e. the Alt key is still pressed: if you then press the TAB key again it takes longer for the next thumbnail in the Task Switcher to be selected, compared to the Windows Task Switcher.
- I was unable to reproduce these problems. The native and AWM's task switchers work exactly the same way in this situation on my test machine.

* When the Task Switcher is visible, i.e. the Alt key is still pressed: if you then the TAB key and keep it pressed AWM cycles through the thumbnails. But this also is (much) slower, compared to the Windows Task Switcher.
- This problem has been confirmed. We'll investigate it.

I waked up my computer today, here is the alt+tab:

AWM on:
AWM off:

So for sure some windows are missing from AWM task switcher.

I hope my post isn't hijacking your thread.

Windows 8 x64 + AWM 8.1
- How many monitors do you use?
What exactly applications (names, versions) have you noticed the problem with?
Did you wake up your computer after sleep or hibernation?
Are you able to reproduce the problem?

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