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Topic: «[FIXED] AVD 8.11.1 / certain win10 windows won't show with avd running » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 56880
Josh Pratt
Posts: 15
Joined: 02/02/2017
Posted: 07/29/2017 21:09:24
AVD 8.11.1
Windows 10 Creators Update

So far I have tried "Calculator" and "Settings" both don't show when opened. They appear in task manager as background processes. If I close AVD I can properly open these programs.
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4099
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 07/31/2017 22:41:13
Hello, Josh

I was unable to reproduce the issue.

Could you tell the exact number of your Windows build (type winver in the Search field of the Windows Start menu, press Enter. The Window containing the build number will appear).

Could you also send us your configiration files using the Send to Tech Support tool (Configuration module > Tools > Configuration > Send to Tech Support)? Please add a link to this topic to the email.

Best regards.
Josh Pratt
Posts: 15
Joined: 02/02/2017
Posted: 08/01/2017 18:17:43
Windows 10
Version 1703 (OS Build 15063.483)
Josh Pratt
Posts: 15
Joined: 02/02/2017
Posted: 08/03/2017 09:10:38
I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling... no luck.
I've tried uninstalling then deleting "Actual Tools" from regedit(HKCU/Software), %programdata%, and %appdata%, then reinstalling... no luck.
I originally upgraded from the previous version using the download on
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4099
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 08/03/2017 20:34:21

Do I understand correctly, that the problem appeared after update to Actual Virtual Desktops 8.11.1? What version of AVD you used before the update?

Are the windows for these applications not displayed even for the short time when you start the applications?  

Do the taskbar buttons for Calculator and Settings appear on the taskbar when you start the applications?

Could you please try to open other Modern Apps style programs and see whether the problem also happens with them (for example Edge browser, Photos, Groove music etc.)? Let us know the results.

Could you reproduce the problem (try to open Calculator and Settings while AVD is running) and then do the following:

1. Open the Command Prompt window (type cmd in the Search field of the taskbar and click the Command Prompt icon)

2. Copy and paste the following command into the Command Prompt window and press Enter:
tasklist /svc /fo TABLE /nh >"%UserProfile%\Desktop\TaskList.txt"

3. Find the "TaskList.txt" text document (or simply "TaskList" if your system does not display file extensions) on your Desktop and send it to
Gerhard Prenner
Posts: 1
Joined: 08/04/2017
Posted: 08/04/2017 13:48:01
Excuse my bad english.

I have the same Error:
since the last update no modern-style window appears. It is not only parts of windows like system, it's also the todoist app and edge also.

Version of Windows is: Version 10.0.15063 Build 15063

When i stop virtual desktop all is fine. So it's clear where the bug is located!

I am waiting for an update of Virtual Desktop.
Josh Pratt
Posts: 15
Joined: 02/02/2017
Posted: 08/04/2017 15:54:54
Do I understand correctly, that the problem appeared after update to Actual Virtual Desktops 8.11.1?
That is correct

What version of AVD you used before the update?
It was only one version before, 8.11.0 I am assuming.

Are the windows for these applications not displayed even for the short time when you start the applications?
They do not even appear for a short time. They never show.

Do the taskbar buttons for Calculator and Settings appear on the taskbar when you start the applications?
The taskbar buttons do not show, and they do not show in the Alt+Tab list either.

Could you please try to open other Modern Apps style programs and see whether the problem also happens with them (for example Edge browser, Photos, Groove music etc.)? Let us know the results.
I have removed most of those apps from my computer, but I can tell you that Edge fails to show as well. Even if I pin it to my taskbar, when I click on the button it doesn't show as if the app is open at all, but the apps do show up in Task Manager and I can end them from there. They are listed as background processes, as I said before.

Could you reproduce the problem (try to open Calculator and Settings while AVD is running) and then do the following:

1. Open the Command Prompt window (type cmd in the Search field of the taskbar and click the Command Prompt icon)

2. Copy and paste the following command into the Command Prompt window and press Enter:
tasklist /svc /fo TABLE /nh >"%UserProfile%\Desktop\TaskList.txt"

3. Find the "TaskList.txt" text document (or simply "TaskList" if your system does not display file extensions) on your Desktop and send it to
I will send this file after I post this.
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4099
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 08/07/2017 18:42:55
Hello, gentlemen

So far I have tried "Calculator" and "Settings" both don't show when opened. They appear in task manager as background processes. If I close AVD I can properly open these programs.
The problem has been confirmed and it happens when you're trying to open a modern app while Actual Virtual Desktops is running when no modern apps were open before in the current session (since last system restart). If you open any of modern apps before launching AVD or if you exit AVD completely, open any modern app and then launch AVD again, modern apps will open correctly with Actual Virtual Desktops running until the next system restart. Can you confirm this?

We'll try to fix the problem and will post here when it's fixed and update is available.

Best regards.
Josh Pratt
Posts: 15
Joined: 02/02/2017
Posted: 08/08/2017 00:06:56
I can confirm that this is true.
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4099
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 10/03/2017 01:36:25
Hello, gentlemen

I'm glad to notify you that the subject issue has been fixed in the latest version of Actual Virtual Desktops 8.11.2 and some our other products as well.

Please cofirm the fix.

Best regards.

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