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Topic: «WEB design, commenting and blogging elevated to MAX by Actual Tools , Image Insertion - fast and effective every day; done best with ActTool » on forum: Window Rules, or Tips and Tricks   Views: 10692
Tobiel Sayre

home user/amateur skinner
Posts: 37
Joined: 07/14/2005
Posted: 10/16/2005 03:11:51
User added an image User added an image,
User added an image

today we are featuring a User added an image sweepstake action!

Wouldn´t it be a hassle to insert all of the image URLs in your home page and also in this comment, by the way, without a fast cheap image insertion tool. Well, without making advertisements for WHICH image tool to use, another topic treated elsewhere outside of this site, of course, ANY image insertion AND WEB CREATING TOOL almost automatically calls for fast transparency, even ghosting, or rollups + -downs, at least, in some cases, the option to send to bottom or keep on top.

This is done well with any of the testable cheap separate tools of Actual Window Manager, for instance, Actual Title Buttons is a good tool, and 3 more of their also available whole suite are good enough separately for this. It adds buttons the image insertion tool does not have and sometimes TRIES TO OUTRULE which is selfcontradictory User added an image,
or the fast switching of SIZES, WINDOW BEHAVIOR, and PRIORITY i. e. for which 1 is or stays on top or bottom.

See how easy things are now? User added an image

Have a nice day with the right combination of affordable tools, it´s not just a thing to promote, but FUN!


SATYROBE/TAXIFUNK/Tobiel Sayre registered user; non-staff

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