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Topic: «How to make a window settings location-independent , The "Program" criterion revealed » on forum: Window Rules, or Tips and Tricks   Views: 14126
Alexey Fadeyev

Posts: 1452
Joined: 09/30/2005
Posted: 10/30/2008 23:38:37
Hi everyone,

There are many subtle things when you create a new specific settings and specify the Target Window values. Today I'd like to tell you about the smart use of the Program criterion.

Specifying the full path as a value for this criterion is obvious and unambigious, and it will work in 95% of all cases. However, let's imagine that you either 1) re-installed the target application into another folder or 2) moved your configuration to another PC where the installation locations are different. In these rather rare but not impossible cases the full path value will make your settings inoperative.

Luckily, there's a trick that can help you avoid such problems. The main thing of this trick is that the Program criterion compares its value with the real path of subject window's application always as sub-string. Therefore, I usually set the Program values as follows:




Specified like this, values become location-independent but still work for the required program because they are still the sub-strings of the real path strings.

Probably, you noted another subtle thing in the examples above: they all have the leading backslash. The leading backslash prevents the false matches of the subject settings when the name of application executable is too common, like start.exe. Without leading backslash, this value may produce improper matches with names like _start.exe, appstart.exe, gamestart.exe, etc.

Hope this short note will help you create more reliable settings. Good luck!

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