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Topic: «Hide any window you like! , How to hide a window when the need arises » on forum: Window Rules, or Tips and Tricks   Views: 14631
Michael Rezvanov
Posts: 387
Joined: 01/31/2007
Posted: 10/24/2007 00:48:45
Hello everyone,

Today I'd like to tell you how Actual Window Manager or Actual Window Minimizer can help you to hide any window completely (from desktop/tray/tasklist but not from the process list though). It can be essential, for example, if you like to play a game or chat via ICQ, but your wife doesn't share your views in this question. Or it can be also very useful when you started a downloading process and go to have a cup of tea at the same time and don't want someone to stop the downloading process while you are away. You need to do the following:    

1. Create specific settings for the required window.
2. In the Minimizing property sheet check Tray in the Minimization mode group and No Icon in the Tray Icon Mode group.
3. Save changes.

Now when the need arises click the Minimize Alternatively button/choose the Minimize to Tray window menu item or use the hotkey (<Win-.> by default) to hide the required window completely. To restore the window press <Win-H> or right-click Actual Window Manager's or Actual Window Minimizer's (depending on what you use) icon in the tray, select Unhide, then select your window.


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