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Topic: «Outlook reminder window on top , on reminder activation window should jump on top » on forum: Window Rules, or Tips and Tricks   Views: 8157
Robert Z
Posts: 3
Joined: 09/04/2015
Posted: 09/04/2015 14:48:27
MS Outlook reminder window usually stay behind. When an appointment approaches and reminder activates, window should jump on top of other windows. Not Stay-always-on-top, just when reminder is active, then it should be manually minimized again. There are myriad of options but could not find this one. Please help.
Vasiliy Ivachev
Posts: 2073
Joined: 11/09/2010
Posted: 09/07/2015 08:04:13
Hello Robert,

Please specify your MS Outlook version and our product (name, version) you are running.
Robert Z
Posts: 3
Joined: 09/04/2015
Posted: 09/07/2015 13:26:37
Office 2010, Actual Window Guard.
Vasiliy Ivachev
Posts: 2073
Joined: 11/09/2010
Posted: 09/08/2015 09:26:47

Please provide us a screenshot of the "MS Outlook -> File -> Options -> Advanced" pane (Reminder settings), specify and provide screenshots of which windows are open while the Reminder window appears and send us your configuration files (Actual Window Guard -> Tools -> Configuration -> Send to Tech Support).
Robert Z
Posts: 3
Joined: 09/04/2015
Posted: 09/10/2015 04:57:44
I do not understand. I have Outlook and its reminder window opened all the time. Above them I have 2 or 22 other windows doesn't matter: Word, Adobe, Firefox, AutoCAD, File explorer, Excel.....doesn't matter.

The problem I want to solve is: when reminder for an appointment activates/beeps I want that reminder window jumps on top of everything.

Then, when I decide and dismiss it or snooze it, I should be able to minimize it again. Of course, MS Outlook -> File -> Options -> Advanced" pane (Reminder settings),is set. Reminder windows does something, but in background, it does not attract my attention, which it should.

I didn't set anything in AWG config file, because I do not know what. That's why I am asking you for help. I installed trial AWG because I heard it can solve the problem (Microsoft can't, I checked on forums). This is not Stay always on top feature, and I do not see any other feature that can help. AWG has many options and cases to implement, but if AWG can't solve this particular problem, OK, I will uninstall it.
Vasiliy Ivachev
Posts: 2073
Joined: 11/09/2010
Posted: 09/14/2015 11:39:27

I added the following Specific Settings for MS Outlook reminder windows and the Specific Settings work as expected:
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Please try to create the same Specific Settings and inform us about your results.

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