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Topic: «Rules not fully obeyed , AWM no longer works as well as it used to » on forum: General   Views: 3509
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Posted: 10/22/2023 18:41:35
For years AWM has worked satisfactorily, but sometimes my Setting in Folder Options for 'Show the full file path in the title bar' gets cancelled, and understandably, that 'allows' programs to disobey their AWM settings. That happened recently. Also I discovered that if I unticked the entry for Disk Management in AWM, a recent anomaly in Disk Management could be avoided in my x32Win10ProV22H2 system. That anomaly is another issue which I can discuss with you if you want me to, but my first priority is that now many Windows Explorer windows no longer obey the AWM settings. So I took the chance to upgrade to v8.15, after thoroughly uninstalling the troublesome v8.14.5. At first there seemed to be no improvement, but after a day or so, it did. The settings that were still disobeyed, I have REDONE - to no avail. In summary, AWM seems to affect some programs correctly, but affects Windows Explorer windows only partly. I don't know where to tweak to get corrections.
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4064
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 10/24/2023 04:05:51
Hello, Joseph

Thank you for contacting us.

now many Windows Explorer windows no longer obey the AWM settings
Do you mean this problem happens when the option "Show the full file path in the title bar" gets disabled? Or the problem persists even when the option is enabled?

Did you use the workaround I've suggested to you in this topic in the previous version? Have you cancelled the workaround in the latest version 8.15? I wrote:
For now as workaround you can change the caption criterion in the specific settings that you have problems with (particular specific settings > Target Window > Caption). For example in the settings named "Cleaners" you need to change the caption value to just "Cleaners" (without quotes) instead of the full path to the folder.

Does the problem happen with some particular folders? What are they?

Could you send us your Actual Window Manager configuration files using the Send to Tech Support tool (AWM configuration module > Tools > Configuration > Send to Tech Support)?

Also I discovered that if I unticked the entry for Disk Management in AWM, a recent anomaly in Disk Management could be avoided in my x32Win10ProV22H2 system.
Could you describe the problem more detailed? By "the entry for Disk Management" do you mean specific settings for Disk Management window?

Best regards.
Registered user
Posts: 9
Joined: 04/16/2021
Posted: 11/12/2023 18:08:22
I have gone back to v8.14.5, and am very satisfied with the results; Disk Management behaves as expected - after I changed from Windows Caption the the alternative;
I have removed from the Specific Configurations, those programs that don't seem to need AWM (including the DOS/TAME program, WordPerfect).

However, when I update to v8.15, compliance is lost.

I did send the configuration files as requested, but there is no sign here in the thread that that happened.

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