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Topic: «Needs to have this one feature , There is one feature above all that the tool needs to have (there are others too) » on forum: General   Views: 4100
Matt Reed
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Joined: 01/25/2023
Posted: 01/25/2023 20:19:55
Recently changed jobs, had a tool on my prev job computer that I now want but I don't remember the tools name.

I work with multiple monitors and a virtual desktop.

When I start an app in 1 windows, I want the open-app icon in the taskbar to be in the taskbar for ONLY THAT WINDOW!

Currently have the free version of DisplayFusion, it don't do that. It is quite annoying when I click the icon and am immediately moved to a different monitor on a different virtual desktop.

I have been combing through your feature list and I can't find a description of this feature on any tool.

Second feature I want: Currently my computer will lock the screen, or go to sleep or something and it will disconnect all the monitors except the main monitor. When I wake it up, login, etc, all the windows are now on one monitor. Sometimes the resolution also changes and all the icons are re-arranged.

I want the previous setup to automatically restore.

Third (which you have): I want a start-button, clock, etc on each monitor and desktop.

Forth (which I think you have): I want an indicator to let me know which virtual desktop I'm on (with ActualTools you can change the wallpaper).
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4041
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 02/16/2023 02:03:24
Hello, Matt

Sorry for the delay in replying to you.

All the features I'm going to describe are available together only in Actual Window Manager - our main product which provides all the features presented in our other products.

When I start an app in 1 windows, I want the open-app icon in the taskbar to be in the taskbar for ONLY THAT WINDOW!
Could you clarify what you mean by "window" - a virtual desktop or a monitor? Anyway, our software provides the ability to have an open app taskbar button only on the monitor where the app is. And as for virtual desktops - there are always only taskbar buttons of the apps which are on the currently active virtual desktop in the taskbar.

When I wake it up, login, etc, all the windows are now on one monitor.
You can try the feature "Bind the layout to the desktop geometry" (AWM configuration module > Layout and Snap > Windows Layout > "Bind the layout..." option). It automatically saves the placement of the open windows for particular monitor configuration and restores it when you get back to this configuration. Let me know whether the feature solves the problem.

Sometimes the resolution also changes and all the icons are re-arranged.
Do you need to prevent resolution change or you want to prevent re-arranging of the icons?

Forth (which I think you have): I want an indicator to let me know which virtual desktop I'm on (with ActualTools you can change the wallpaper).
Also the currently active virtual desktop is highlighted in the Virtual Desktops switcher if you have it enabled (AWM tray icon context menu > Show Switcher).
Matt Reed
Registered user
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Posted: 02/16/2023 04:40:23
Wow, thanks Bogdan for your response. I had decided your product probably didn't do these things, so I'm currently on a trial for a different product.

>> Could you clarify what you mean by "window" - a virtual desktop or a monitor?

Both. I typically will open a specific set of programs on a virtual desktop, on a specific monitor. And I want the tray icons to remain on that monitor and that virtual desktop. This is one thing that confused me about 'ActualTools', it seems to do one or the other but not both.

>> Does "Bind the layout to the desktop geometry" solves the problem?

Yes, it appears it does.

>> Do you need to prevent resolution change or you want to prevent re-arranging of the icons?

I would like to prevent resolution change, but that seems unlikely as it's caused by an older program that needs to be at a specific resolution.
As long as the icons return to the correct position when the resolution is restored (which the Bind thingy will do) I'm good.

Thanks!  :)
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4041
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 02/24/2023 17:56:10

When I start an app in 1 windows, I want the open-app icon in the taskbar to be in the taskbar for ONLY THAT WINDOW!
And I want the tray icons to remain on that monitor and that virtual desktop.
So, did you mean tray icons, not usual open app taskbar buttons?

As long as the icons return to the correct position when the resolution is restored (which the Bind thingy will do) I'm good.
But the "Bind the layout to the desktop geometry" feature has nothing to do with the desktop icons order. But if using our software makes the problem go away - that's great. If it doesn't you can use the Save/Restore Desktop Icons Order feature which is available via desktop context menu and via hotkeys additionally (you need to enable the respective hotkeys first).

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