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Topic: «Zim Desktop Wiki » on forum: General   Views: 4273
Rob Gordon
Posts: 6
Joined: 11/14/2021
Posted: 11/16/2021 04:04:54
In the hope that I will eventually get the issues with Chrome resolved, I want to mention this program called "Zim Desktop Wiki" that seems to be totally invisible to AWM.   It is a wonderful little program that makes a Wiki out of plain text files, and again, I am guessing that the kind of people who like AWS would also like Zim, so this may have come up before.  Any tips I how to get this working as an AWM window or how other invisible programs like this are managed?
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4095
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 11/23/2021 03:18:39
Hello, Rob

Thank you for contacting us.

I want to mention this program called "Zim Desktop Wiki" that seems to be totally invisible to AWM
It's not that Zim Desktop Wiki is totally invisible to AWM (for example, AWM hotkeys work with the window), but I can confirm that several AWM features don't work for this application. This is apparently due to the Zim window's peculiarity. We'll see whether we can do something about it and will post here if some of these problems are fixed.

As I can see the problems are the following:
- extra title buttons and window menu items don't appear in the window;
- Desktop Divider is not activated upon dragging of this window.

Have you encountered anything else?

Best regards.

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