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Topic: «Failure , Win Explorer window does not obey AWM config » on forum: General   Views: 9370
Posts: 9
Joined: 04/16/2021
Posted: 04/16/2021 09:06:00
Even though I have repeatedly reset the configuration, a Windows Explorer window open is a smaller size than the configuration. Where to look for a remedy ? I will wait with giving 'details' of my system till I am asked for specifics.
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4100
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 04/25/2021 01:20:06
Hello, Joseph

Thank you for contacting us.

Do you mean the problem happens only with the folders you've specified in your email? I've recreated the same folders and I was unable to reproduce the problem - the settings from your configuration are applied correctly to the explorer windows with these folders.

Could you do the following for each of these folders: reproduce the problem, then click the title bar of the explorer window with right mouse button and make sure the right specific settings are applied to it (window menu > Manage Window Settings > Modify applied settings:<name of the applied settings>).

Could you describe more detailed for each window how the result of the applying of the settings differs from how it should be? If it's possible send us screenshots depicting the problem for each window.

How do you open these folders? By navigating to the target folder from some other directory which causes multiple caption change for the explorer window? Or you use shortcuts for these folders?

Could you also try to navigate to the folder which is one level above the target folder, right click the target folder and select "Open in new window". Does it follow the settings correctly in this case?

Best regards.
Posts: 9
Joined: 04/16/2021
Posted: 04/26/2021 17:45:26
I did not realise that a reply had come fr om the FORUM. I replied by email, but will reproduce that here :

"Do you mean the problem happens only with the folders you've specified in your email?"
They are the folders wh ere the 'disobedience' to the configuration bothers me.
There MAY be cases of other folders disobeying configuration wh ere I have not noticed.

With the first folder, the view I want is shown on the left of the attached file, what I get is shown on the right.

window menu > Manage Window Settings > Modify applied settings:<name of the applied settings>
does NOT lead to anything specific about the C:\Data\Folders\Cleaners window – only 'defaults',
and it is not obvious to me how to apply ‘name of the applied settings’ in THIS path.

This folder is arrived at by clicking on a desktop shortcut to C:\Data\Folders\Cleansers, which opens the page with Cleaners and Security Scans.

and then clicking on the Cleaners shortcut which produces the ‘truncated’ window (shown in the right side of the first image).

'Opening in new window' achieves the good result shown in the left of the first image.

I can not now find a way to SEND this post - only to EDIT it.

As I at first feared, attachments are not working as I expect them to - so I will just send this and repeat I had already sent a full reply by email with all the right images. My first attachment showed, until I added a second, and then it disapeared. I will try to send the missing images as separate posts/replies.

Posts: 9
Joined: 04/16/2021
Posted: 04/26/2021 18:04:40
This should show the first of the images

Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4100
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 05/14/2021 21:05:42
Hello, Joseph

Sorry for the delay in replying to you.

and it is not obvious to me how to apply ‘name of the applied settings’ in THIS path.
You have many Specific Settings and also Default Settings in your configuration which are meant to be applied to particular windows or groups of windows. The name of the applied settings in the line displays which of the settings from your configuration are applied to this particular window. For example if the line goes "Modify applied settings:Firefox", it means that specific settings named Firefox are applied to the window.

We were able to confirm the problem you're talking about - for some reason when the option "Display full path in the title bar" is enabled in the Windows settings and change of the caption happens in an explorer window, our program doesn't see the full path in the caption, only the folder name. We'll try to fix this and will post here when it's fixed.

For now as workaround you can change the caption criterion in the specific settings that you have problems with (particular specific settings > Target Window > Caption). For example in the settings named "Cleaners" you need to change the caption value to just "Cleaners" (without quotes) instead of the full path to the folder. You can also try this with other specific settings you have this problem with. Let us know if it helps.

Best regards.
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4100
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 11/26/2021 13:33:26
Hello, Joseph

I'm glad to notify you that we've fixed the subject issue:
Even though I have repeatedly reset the configuration, a Windows Explorer window open is a smaller size than the configuration.
We were able to confirm the problem you're talking about - for some reason when the option "Display full path in the title bar" is enabled in the Windows settings and change of the caption happens in an explorer window, our program doesn't see the full path in the caption, only the folder name. We'll try to fix this and will post here when it's fixed.

The fix is available in the latest version of Actual Window Manager and our other products as well.

You can update your program to the latest version (program's tray icon context menu > Info > Check for Updates) or download the latest version manually, install it and confirm the fix.

This means if you used the workaround I've suggested to you now you can cancel it and return to your previous state of settings.

Best regards.

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