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Topic: «Forum usage Tricks , Correct texts, icon and pics in profile + signature, ratings » on forum: General   Views: 9788
Tobiel Sayre

home user/amateur skinner
Posts: 37
Joined: 07/14/2005
Posted: 07/19/2005 16:02:33
ENJOY and PERSONALIZE this forum for yourself + others

User added an imageHello, guests! Hi, registered forum users!

When you place a question or comment, do you see a personal icon and description of yourself on the left like my crazy fish and the words skin, animation freak etc. on the left of my article here? NO? Do you see a personal foto when you click on your own profile? NO? Can you correct spelling mistakes AFTER posting? NO?

Here is how to change that if you dont speak Russian and dont want to use russian writing.

Before getting started, ask Michael Tretyakov, who is busy these weeks, how to kill cookies right, which you can also eat, by the way, and taste good, in an E-Mail or do my thing, which might change some of your IE explorers favorites icons:

First, if unregistered in the forum, tell your windows search to look for actualtools, then delete only results which paths end with cookies, but nothing else. This is so your blog is not in vain later because your computer thinks you are a still a guest even though you are now registered.

If you have never posted a guest article before, leave all old cookies on. If you have, kill them excepting the cookie not erasable when actwinman is on, leave it on so that one cookie the program needs is automatically unerasable. Of course, you might have to manually reenter credit card information when ordering something again, but your PROGRAM will stay registered by means of its key, its ini file, and the one cookie you cant kill when the program is on.

Then register free in the forum, which is free of spam. Here, you are asked for your country name in russian spelling. To find the russian spelling of your country so as to select your country, use either free babelfish translating browser helper or a russian dictionary. Just hover over russian words u dont understand with your mouse, select copy and then select paste when you are in the translator. It puts all the russian writing in and translates without your having to spell in russian.

Then enter profile, there hit modify profile. Where it says avatar, enter the path to a jpg of a royalty free icon on your computer scaled to not be much bigger than 50 x 50 pixels and click submit or update, your photo can be bigger, use jpg, do the same, enter your birthday, this is also free of spam.

User added an imageThe word avatar can mean personification like a personal icon, a god in India or incarnation, and is also common in names of companies and can be the rank of the admin, meaning its meant for him to enter an icon, but nothing bad happens, your iconpic only lands in your article or profile, not in his, his externally displayed rank on the left of his articles is now only yours, nameley GLANCED spelled in russian language + letters. Glanced means a frozen glacier or somebody only hitting occasionally or flashing. He does not login much himself currently. Also, glanced can mean only shining a bit, like the lowest disciples of a religious or computer avatar.

But if you write here more than once, on the day u write you can see who else has their birthday that day and stick a congrat to people you know in the text you want to submit anyway.

Under signature, enter your country and town and homepage, because your location will appear only in cyrillic russian letters on the left upper corner of your profile, but in signature, you can use your own writing and put location IN EVERY BLOG instead of just into the profile.

When registering, you will be asked to vote or not for someone, in example Michael Tretyakov. Do that. Now write a text being logged in. You can correct spelling mistakes, your icon and homepage appears everywhere, and your birthday, when it is that day of the year, people can see when you joined, how much you posted, what is your newestUser added an image , they can give you a vote, you can rate others, see what they do privately and professionally, and know why, in example, Michael is not responding to you yet, because he did not post at all, he was too busy, or what was more important to him to comment if he did not have much time.

Also, people are interested in your own url and may say User added an image there. All of this is free. This forum has 80per cent guests who cannot edit their blog because they are not registered, and those who are have no icon, photo, description, or good signature, no location except in russian letters, and no link to their e-mail or page even if registered. Change that helping yourself and others and HAVE FUN. I like the style of the users here, do not be shy. By being modest, you are destructive. Everybody has the same rank here and no one controls the other one, you can always delete everything u register. YOU CAN NOT DELETE what you enter if you were a GUEST. A mistake of mine, too. Now have fun and a nice day, I will help you, use my e-mail link down below.

Last trick: Make your text somewhere else first, then copy it here before logging in because each time you write or correct for more than 10 minutes, the forum logs u out. If that happens, before you log in again, copy the text from here, then log in and paste it in again with a new title etc.

User added an imageEvery once and a while I did not realize this was happening, then tried to submit but I was a guest again this way, which I did not understandUser added an image, or managed to repost but the computer crashed which is no problem, as I know now. All you do is leave ALL wireless and other datacards and connections and cables in, because when you reboot the mirror image secured by windows automatically should correspond to your configuration you restart to, press the hardware shutoff button, wait for restart which is a bit slower now to be completely finished, then remove wireless data card, also reset its data transfer counter, then rekill your actualtools cookies, do another cold restart before which you also delete your temporary INTERNET files, not your temporary files and everything is fine when reentering the forum again. I always prefer NOT ticking remember me on this computer, even if my macro has to enter the 2 passwords again, which also helps restabilizing faster after a crash like this which only happens if you are to slow while blogging anyway, so it is not a problem, and you can have your blog prepared elsewhere and enter it in 2 minutes like I said above.

This is all easier than it sounds, you have nothing to loose, at least set up your profile with User added an imageand icons and be able to make one or 2 fast spelling corrections of what you write logged in as of immediately!

The looks of this article were cleaned up with a better blog editor I have now (cheap), you can also use one. But do not use html codeUser added an image. For this you need permission of the administrator(s). The admin may even let you use html code, which I did not in this text, as you can still see unfortunately, can´t you?, check with him first, not this week, he is busy on the next program version and writing articles and more things. Instead of posting, use e-mail so he can respond when he has time.User added an image  

In some forums, here as well, u do not need an editor, you only need to avoid another mistake I often made too make it easy to read. In the little box where you enter ur text, never press return to get the line jump look nicer inside the box, only do that if wanting to start up a new paragraph. Then many small fragments of 1 sentence in the box land correctly as a full long line in the post later on, even if you dont see it that way in the editing mask.

SATYROBE/TAXIFUNK/Tobiel Sayre registered user; non-staff

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