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Topic: «When in full screen, cannot move to desktop » on forum: General   Views: 13422
Daveburton Jack
Posts: 1
Joined: 01/14/2019
Posted: 01/14/2019 11:29:04
Hello all,

I'm using Actual Window Manager 8.2, and I need to fill a specific need.

I have two monitors, each one with its own taskbar (not using virtual desktops atm). So far so good.

However, when running a full screen software on monitor #1 (a game, for instance) I can't switch to monitor #2 by moving the mouse cursor to it (right side in this case). Only if I close the application/game, or ALT+TAB it, then I can switch monitors at will.

Can someone please help me to set it up properly so I can move the mouse between the monitors even when running full screen applications/games?
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4099
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 01/22/2019 13:42:09
Hello, Jack

The most games lock the mouse pointer in their windows and, although Actual Window Manager provides the ability to move the mosue pointer from a game window, it's not enough just to start Actual Window Manager in order to do this. You need to enable the features specially.

Do I understand correctly, that you need not only to move the mouse pointer from a full screen window, but also to be able to work in other windows without minimizing of the full screen window? If yes, then you need to use the Ignore Deactivation feature of the program. It can be applied to a window either via the hotkey (Ctrl+Shift+Alt+I by default) or via action on game/other application statup in AWM specific settings for the game/application (specific settings for the game/application > Startup section > Ignore Deactivation action). This feature should also unlock the mouse pointer from the window.

To just unlock the mouse pointer, you can use the Lock mouse command. It's also available as the hotkey (Ctrl+Shift+Alt+L by default) and as the action on application startup (specific settings for the game/application > Startup section > Lock mouse action).

Best regards.

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