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Topic: «Probably a bug , AWM VS Adobe Acrobat Reader Ver8.1.1 » on forum: General   Views: 8605
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Joined: 12/18/2007
Posted: 12/18/2007 12:43:28
I am evaluating AWM 4.5 on WinXP+SP2

I use Acrobat Reader and its advanced search feature (the one bring up by the binoculars icon on its toolbar) a lot.

I want to make the search window always starts as 'Alway-On-Top' and stays so throughout the use of the reader program. So, I set that window startup "Stay Alway-On-Top' setting to be 'Always' and 'Freeze'

But the search window always start with "Always-On-Top" state OFF? (Please see the picture attached)
If I then toggle manually such that the search window become "Always-On-Top" state ON, it does stay on top until I close and restart Acrobat Reader. It seems the "freeze" is working fine, however, AWM fail to start the search window as Always-On-Top at its very first run.

Can it be the "freeze" is acting too slowly? It seems that AWm sets the search window to be Always-On-Top and then the reader program set it OFF and when come to the turn of the "freeze" action, the state is already OFF. I am guessing it this way because the "startup as alway-on-top" feature seems to work with other application windows.

Due to the above symptom, my best choice is to use keyboard macro to toggle "Always-On-Top", since I know when the search window is initially brought up, it will always start as NOT always-on-top

I then quickly face another problem, I like the [Win+S] as a hotkey to toggle Stay-On-Top state, but AWM doesn't support [Win] key in its keyboard macro feature... this means, I must force myself to use a hotkey which does not involve [Win] key.

1. Make it possible to prevent an application from minimizing its windows, just like freeze for Always-on-top
2. Add a button to move Window back to the user defined position.
3. Support [Win] key in the keyboard macro.
4. When a window is roll-up, color its title bar with a user defined color or keep the roll-up blinking
5. From the AWM's main window,  when the "Window Finder icon" is pressed, all visible windows (on the Desktop), who have been set "to roll-up when inactive" should be temporarily suppressed from doing so, particularly those "Window Finder icon" for setting the "size" of a window at startup.

Michael Rezvanov
Posts: 387
Joined: 01/31/2007
Posted: 12/20/2007 00:16:44
Let me start with the main issue.

Please specify does the Stay Always-on-Top problem with Acrobat Reader appear just at its very first run i.e. does it work as expected at the second, third etc. times? What Target Window values (window class, caption, program) do you provide for the Acrobat's Search window?

Additionally please provide us with an example of an app that minimizes its windows.
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Posted: 12/25/2007 08:24:48
It is the Acrobat Reader's search window that has Always-On-Top problem, not the reader main window itslef. Anyway, no matter how many time I try to close and restart the search window, the Always-on-top problem still there.

As for the Target Window Value, please see the attachment.

By the way, I think the stop from minimize ability is not so important, but my biggest miss in AWM is the lack of ability to discard native Min, Max and Restore buttons of windows. Particualrly when I have narrow window with little space on the title bar and I wish the buttons well arranged without blocking part of window title.

Alexey Fadeyev

Posts: 1433
Joined: 09/30/2005
Posted: 12/27/2007 11:16:24

First of all - thank you for your interest to our software.

To the reported issue - the most fresh version of Adobe Reader I have at hand is 8.0. I have checked this issue with it but it wasn't confirmed, i.e. everything works as expected. Please could you check what window settings apply to the mentioned "Search" window in your case?

TSLIM wrote:
Support [Win] key in the keyboard macro.

I'd like to inform you that in the latest beta 5 of Actual Window Manager 5.0 we have added the ability to include the <Win+> key combinations into macro sequences.

TSLIM wrote:
but my biggest miss in AWM is the lack of ability to discard native Min, Max and Restore buttons of windows

There's no lack at all: such ability existed in AWM since version 4.4. ;)

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