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Topic: «Actual Multi Monitor - How to use specifc settings for Sandboxie? , How to use specifc settings for Sandboxie? chrome browser security app » on forum: General   Views: 6775
cinn kid
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Posts: 8
Joined: 01/09/2018
Posted: 01/09/2018 01:11:26
I am a new purchaser of Actual Mult. Monitors.

I use Sandboxie for an added layer of security with Chrome browser.  Just add .com to the name to find info.
Basically, Sandboxie secures Chrome browser and block malicious software, viruses, ransom-ware and zero-day threats by isolating such attacks in a Sandbox; leaving the underneath OS system protected.

Daily (multiple times) I kill/delete the Sandboxie sandbox and restart Sandboxie which auto-loads a fresh copy of Sandboxie/Chrome.

How do I setup SB to automatically use AMM?

In addition, how do I setup any program to launch from either Monitor 1 or 2 if I shut down that app, but I am not restarting windows?  I am assuming Startup in Config "Specific Settings" means restarting or starting Windows, not simply shutting down say Excel and then restart without rebooting windows.
Vasiliy Ivachev
Posts: 2073
Joined: 11/09/2010
Posted: 02/04/2018 18:51:24
Hello Cinn Kid,

Thanks for the post.

I use Sandboxie for an added layer of security with Chrome browser.  Just add .com to the name to find info.
Basically, Sandboxie secures Chrome browser and block malicious software, viruses, ransom-ware and zero-day threats by isolating such attacks in a Sandbox; leaving the underneath OS system protected.

Daily (multiple times) I kill/delete the Sandboxie sandbox and restart Sandboxie which auto-loads a fresh copy of Sandboxie/Chrome.

How do I setup SB to automatically use AMM?
- Have you tried to run Actual Multiple Monitors through Sandboxie to manipulate windows that are running through Sandboxie as well (such as Google Chrome in your case)?

In addition, how do I setup any program to launch from either Monitor 1 or 2 if I shut down that app, but I am not restarting windows?  I am assuming Startup in Config "Specific Settings" means restarting or starting Windows, not simply shutting down say Excel and then restart without rebooting windows.
- All actions from the Startup tab execute when you open a window. I.e. if you close an Excel window and re-open it, all Startup actions should be applied.

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