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Topic: «Save (or retain) folder view? » on forum: General   Views: 9155
Karl Harris
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Posted: 12/12/2017 03:12:16
Hi Folks,

Right up front, I'm in the trial period of this app.  I'm trying to restore a feature to Windows 10 that used to be in Windows XP (still the best version of Windows, in my opinion).

Once upon a time, you used to be able to tick a checkbox entitled something like, "save folder view" or "save folder settings" or some such.  From that point on, every time you opened that particular folder, it would open in the same position, at the same size, and display the contents the same way you set it up previously, and it would do that for every folder you checked "remember folder settings."

Microsoft, in it's infinite stupidi... errr, wisdom, has seen fit to do away with this immensely useful feature.  I'm looking for a way to get this back, using a third-party app if necessary.

I've been through the manual and searched the forum, but can't seem to find what I'm looking for: a way to retain individual folder settings.

For example: I have a folder, "Games," on my desktop.  I want this folder to display the contents using large icons, no navigation panel, no tool bar across the top, and in the upper-right corner of the desktop at a size of my choosing.  I'd also like to be able to arrange the icons in a manner that is meaningful to me, rather than have Windows sort them arbitrarily according to one rule or another, another thing XP used to do, but I feel like I'm asking for the moon with that.

I can set this up OK, but then when I subsequently open File Explorer, the window is in the same position as was the "Games" window when I last opened it and the settings are identical to the way I set up "Games:" no navigation panel, large icons, and no toolbar across the top.  Not the most useful configuration for general file management.  I change it to a view more conducive to file management (with the nav panel and tool ribbon, and using generally either the "list" or "details" display setting) and go about my business.  Later, upon opening the "Games" folder... the nav panel and tool ribbon are back, and the detail (or list) view is there.  Endlessly frustrating... and so damned counter-intuitive.  Feels like I spend half my time re-configuring folder windows to accommodate whatever it is I'm trying to do at the moment.

Will ActualTools perform this function, or do I need to keep on looking for a file-management app that will?

Thanks in advance for your assistance!
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4041
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 12/14/2017 20:19:21
Hello, Karl

For example: I have a folder, "Games," on my desktop.  I want this folder to display the contents using large icons, no navigation panel, no tool bar across the top, and in the upper-right corner of the desktop at a size of my choosing.  I'd also like to be able to arrange the icons in a manner that is meaningful to me, rather than have Windows sort them arbitrarily according to one rule or another, another thing XP used to do, but I feel like I'm asking for the moon with that.
Unfortunately, our products don't provide such feature. But it seems like there is a way to make Windows 10 remember view settings for the folder if it doesn't.

Our products have the "Save position on exit" feature, which saves the position and restores it next time you open the window (Configuration module > Window Settings > particular Specific Settings > Position section > Save position on exit).

Best regards.
Sergio Moura
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Posted: 02/01/2018 20:56:57
Hello, Mr. Administrator. On regards of the "Save position on exit", I can't seem to find that option on the AMM panel. Nor the "Position Section". I try to search those options on the apps search box, but it shows no results. I know Windows 10 automatically saves the final position of programs' windows on exit, but I have this particular application Musixmatch that shows a sort of pop-up window every time a song starts playing to display the songs lyrics. Very neat. But the damn pop-up always appears in the middle of the screen. I wanted to save a different final position for it. Is it possible with the AMM software?
Alex Fadeyev

Posts: 1429
Joined: 09/30/2005
Posted: 02/02/2018 00:51:52

As you can see, both "Save on exit" features are not available in Actual Multiple Monitors (see the "Available in" section at the top of the manual page).

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