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Topic: «How do I add screen dividers? , Adding screen dividers » on forum: General   Views: 5865
Ray Mitchell
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Joined: 10/28/2017
Posted: 10/28/2017 08:50:11

Windows 10 64-bit; Actual Window Manager 8.11.2

I purchased an older version of Actual Window Manager several years ago for the sole purpose of dividing my 6 monitors up into arbitrary regions, and it seemed to work fine.  I then stopped using it but recently decided to try it again, so I upgraded to the newest version.  However, I don't remember how to add these dividers and can't seem to figure it out now.  I've tried looking at the various help topics but they all seem to deal with all the fancy things that can be done and not with how to simply add dividers in the first place.  I've tried left-clicking and dragging on the desktop itself but that merely brings up configuration information for another application I am running that is totally unrelated to Actual Window Manager.  When I right-click on the desktop it opens a context menu with Desktop Divider as one of the choices and Configure... as a choice within that item.  However, choosing Configure... only opens the Actual Window Manager configuration window with the Desktop Divider item selected, and all that lets you do is select Enable Desktop Divider or not, but doesn't provide any information on actually creating such a divider.  Any suggestions are welcome.

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Posted: 10/28/2017 09:05:43
Greetings Ray

Great to see you are back using Actual Windows Manager, to better help you I have answered two questions, as its possible that one or the other isn't the actual question you are asking.

Lets answer the question I don't think you are asking first.

To position your monitors correctly you will want to Right Click (Rclick) the desktop and choose Display Settings. From there, you can Identify each of the monitors and their numbers, and then move them to their positions, these potions tells windows and AWM how to loop the monitors and provides mouse tunnels to those windows. Additionally, thanks to AWM, you can use Windows + / to move the active window to the next window and the same numbers provided here will defines what the next window is, and just another tip, Windows + Numpad 8 will position the active window to the top middle while the other numpad number keys will position it around the monitor its currently on (9 Top right etc).

The question I think you are asking is found under Layout and Snap > Desktop Divider > Tile Layouts. This will display the same monitor setup like you saw in the Display Settings option above, and any dividers you use.

To create one, click on "Edit Tiles" this will open up a grey fullscreen window configuration add in sections and let you divide it how you like. Clicking on "Resize" lets you set percise details, either by pixels or percentage. Playing around you should be able to create what you are after.
Ray Mitchell
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Posted: 10/28/2017 11:21:42

Thank you very much for the quick and thorough response.  Your second answer was just what I was looking for.

Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4041
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 11/02/2017 15:44:42
Hello, gentlemen

Kiwi, thank you for your help in this topic.

However, I don't remember how to add these dividers and can't seem to figure it out now.
The question I think you are asking is found under Layout and Snap > Desktop Divider > Tile Layouts.
Indeed, this is where Desktop Divider settings are adjusted in the configuration module.

Best regards.

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